Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Renowned Harvard Psychologist Says ADHD is Largely a Fraud

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Climate Engineering Contamination: Staying Healthy in a World That Isn’t

Though there are countless sources of environmental contamination today, the climate engineering fallout is among the most pervasive. So how does one retain a semblance of good health while living in a world that is increasingly toxic and incompatible to life as a whole? 

By guest writer Dane Wigington
Proof the Entire U.S. Presidential Election is Fake, From Start to Finish

Yes, it’s bread and circus time again in America! The U.S. presidential election just keeps getting more fake as it goes on, but this time around, the show has lost its ability to convince and persuade the public of its legitimacy. Let’s look at proof of just some of the fakery and fraud of this presidential election campaign. 

By contributing writer Makia Freeman 
Renowned Harvard Psychologist Says ADHD is Largely a Fraud

Considered one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century, Harvard psychologist Jerome Kagan believes the diagnosis of ADHD (and other ‘mental health disorders’) is an invention, the result of “fuzzy diagnostic practices” that only benefit the pharmaceutical and psychiatry industries. 

By contributing writer Carolanne Wright 
New Research Reveals Surprising Reasons Americans Waste So Much Food

With a third of the world's food lost or wasted every year, researchers sought to understand public perceptions and attitudes that contribute to this problem — with revealing results. 

By guest writer Dr Joseph Mercola
Synthetic Cannabis Extremely Dangerous Compared to Natural Marijuana, New Study Reveals

The criminalization of cannabis has led to the creation of a synthetic cannabinoid analogue black-market that is far more dangerous than the cannabis plant, a new study reveals. 

By contributing writer Sayer Ji
The Secret of Success: Relax and Just BE

Most of the greatest discoveries, inventions and creative ideas in human history have not come about through ‘hard work’ or logical thinking, but by unconscious intuition, in states of relaxation. So, do we have the wrong attitude to ‘doing nothing’? 

By guest writer Steve Taylor Ph.D 
Free Health Summit
Are you confused about supplements?

At The Medicinal Supplements Summit, learn the latest in supplement customization to boost energy, lose weight, beat stress, improve brain function and heal your body!


Your hosts, Wendy Myers and Ian Clark, of The Medicinal Supplements Summit understand the importance of taking the right supplements–after all, they both healed their own health crises through targeted supplements, whole body health and the power of micronutrients!

Register for FREE now or own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace.

The Medicinal Supplements Summit is dedicated to helping you:

- Determine what supplements you need
- Separate the “claims” from the truth
- Customize supplements to your body’s needs
- Make proper decisions at the store or online
And more!

The Medicinal Supplements Summit is online and free

from September 12-19, 2016!
Enhancing Neurotransmitter Production Naturally

Life events can trigger changes in our moods, and this can put our brain chemistry out of whack. Our neurotransmitters begin to mis-fire, leading to chronic states of anxiety and depression. In this article I’ll be explaining the benefits of supplements that will assist your body to overcome depressive mood states when rough times enter your life. 

By Guest Writer Jacob Scharf 
Raising Awake Children in a Broken School System

Traditional schools, in the U.S and many other countries, are training grounds, intentionally constructed to prepare children for The System. If schools taught our children to be self-sufficient, confident and well-equipped for real life, The System would crash, or at the very least, dissolve naturally over time. Why don't we tell our children the truth about The System as soon as they are old enough to understand? Instead of teaching children how to get along in a dysfunctional world, why don’t we teach our kids how to create their lives based on their highest values? 

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis 
Cannabidiol (CBD): The Cat’s Out of the Bag with This Cure-All

The truth about Cannabidiol (CBD) and the health benefits of the cannabis plant can no longer be suppressed – and the exciting thing is that we are just at the start of the long road of knowledge about the varied uses and manifold medical benefits of cannabis. 

By contributing writer Makia Freeman 
BURN: Health Impacts of Sunscreen Found to be Worse Than UV Damage!

Mounting independent scientific data shows that sunscreens inhibit the innate intelligence of our skin cells, neutralizing beneficial UVB rays and increasing the harmful effects of UVA. It is no wonder skin cancer rates are sky-rocketing! Thankfully nature has provided some simple and natural ways to protect our skin from UV without the risks of conventional sunscreens. 

By Guest Writer Marie Be
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