Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Recognizing Enslavement

The Latest Wake Up World Headlines

The Consciousness Revolution

Consciousness is one of the great mysteries of science – perhaps the greatest mystery. We all know we have it, when we think, when we dream, when we savour tastes and aromas, when we hear a great symphony, when we fall in love, and it is surely the most intimate, personal part of ourselves. Yet no one can really claim to have understood and explained it completely. There’s no doubt it’s associated with the brain in some way, but how do these three pounds of material stuff inside our skulls allow us to have experiences? 

By Guest Writer Graham Hancock

During organ transplantation there have been numerous reports of emotions, memories and experiences being transferred along with the organ, from the donor to the recipient. Dr. Paul Pearsall collected the cases of 73 heart transplant patients and 67 other organ transplant recipients in his book “The Hearts Code”. Before we examine the neurology of the 'Heart Brain', here is a sample of a case that has been reported. 

By Guest Writer Dr. Fahad Basheer
Recognizing Enslavement

Capitalism has reached its limit. There is no more room for material expansion, and the empire is crumbling. Our leaders grab unravelling threads of control as society implodes, all the while exhibiting their increasing impotence. When truth is spoken and solutions are available, the murder of messengers and censorship of information increases in attempts to hide them. But truth abounds and solutions are everywhere -- but they require different perspectives and changing beliefs to become effective. 

By Guest Writer Sue McIntosh MD
10 Reasons Why We all Should be Eating Ginger – Recipes Included

Gingers’ incredible healing effects put it right at the top of my list of go-to plant-foods for medicinal purposes. However, apart from being good for detoxification and cleansing, it can also turn salads, desserts, bakes and juices into delicious, lively culinary delights. In this article, we are going to look at why ginger is so good for us and how you might incorporate it into your daily diet with a few healthful recipe ideas. 

By Contributing Writer Trinity Bourne
What Really is Self-Realisation?…and How Can it Help You Drink the Juice of Life?

We read about 'self-realisation' in spiritual circles, but what really does that mean? We may gain an intellectual understanding, but to me, there's much more to the term itself and what it can encourage us to do; how to live. I observe in the work we do, that when a person finds the right alignment in life, which incorporates self-realisation, then our perspective on life changes immeasurably for the better. It can be said, that in actual fact, there is nothing else but self-realisation going on. It's just a question of whether we're actively engaged in it, in which case we become the masters of it; or else we're ignorant of it, and thus become victims. So what really is self-realisation, and how can we benefit from it? 

By Contributing Writer Open
The First Amendment – The REAL Patriot Act

Law is meant to protect the inalienable rights of people. But the 2001 Patriot Act acts. It does not protect human rights. It is not real patriotism. It imposes the will of institutional government upon people, at the expense of the rights inherent to our humanity - those protected by the First Amendment. In reality, the First Amendment is the REAL patriot act - the formula for nonviolently opposing monopolistic isms of all sorts. 

By Contributing Writer Ethan Indigo Smith
A Guide to Unity: Transcending the Illusion of Disconnection

Spirituality is a very personal affair regardless of the various pathways that one may take or disciplines that one may adhere to. Yet even though there is an abundance of different belief systems and avenues for spiritual endeavour, there is one universal agreement between them - the principle of unity. 

By Guest Writer Phil Watt
We Were Born To Create

Creation is continual. Everything is constantly evolving and changing. Nothing is static no matter how solid or set things appear. Even settled science is coming to this realization, realizing our very thoughts and intentions are what determine our reality. That’s powerful stuff!! Now think about the world you’re living in. How much does it engender creativity and contribution to that wondrous reality? Or how much of our lives are determined, set, reactive and uncreative? Are we really giving what we were intended to give to this amazing experience we call life? 

By Contributing Writer Zen Gardner
Perfect pH: the Simple Way to Optimal Health

Acid/alkaline balance. By now many of us have heard of it, some of us have a good understanding of it, and yet few people know how to balance our pH or bring it back into balance. Here I will discuss firstly the basics of how our pH gets out of balance, and what we can do to restore it. I will also teach you a simple cost effective way to measure it. 

By Guest Writer Gavin Bragg

Smoothies have been in fashion for quite some time now as a quick, nutrient dense and health-inspiring way to keep the body humming and happy. Whether taming inflammation, guarding against cancer or boosting energy, the following four examples can breathe new life into your daily smoothie habit. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
tsū – The Social Network That Pays You

Sebastian Sobcza, founder of new social media network tsū, has created a social platform that actually pays you to use it. And this is your invitation to join us.

Your heart is the most important muscle in your body. If it’s weak, you’re weak. There are a few things you can do to provide your heart with what it needs to be at its best. By Guest Writer Dr. Edward F. Group

By Guest Writer Dr. Edward F. Group 
Save Your Spot For This FREE Health Event!
Are you one of 70 million people suffering from digestive diseases in the United States alone? You might be… and not even know your gut is the cause! 

 Discover how your digestive health is intimately linked to your immune, endocrine, circulatory and central nervous systems at The Healthy Gut Summit, free and online from February 9-16, 2015. 

 This event features one-on-one interviews with 32 of the world’s most beloved and respected thought leaders and physicians.
Would you like to promote this event yourself ? Click here for more details
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