Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care: Tips for a Youthful, Radiant Glow

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
Somatic Bodywork: 7 Types For Deep Healing

Our bodies are with us 24/7 and 365 days a year – befriending your body, learning its language, and tapping into its wisdom is not just a path of wellbeing but a spiritual practice! 

By guest writer Aletheia Luna
Natural Anti-Aging Skin Care: Tips for a Youthful, Radiant Glow

We all age - but some signs of aging — sagging skin, wrinkles, or spots — are preventable and reversible, and you can slow them down with healthy lifestyle and nutritional choices. Whether you’re just starting to see signs of aging or want to reverse skin damage caused by past choices, read on for the best natural anti-aging skin care tips. 

Handmade Orgonite Pyramids - A Perfect Fusion of Energy Healing & Style

These are selling fast on Conscious Shopping with one version already sold out.  Grab one or two while the launch sale of 20% off your first order is still active.  

Don't forget we offer free shipping, 30 day money back guarantee and we will plant one tree for every product purchased - turning profits into forests. 

Not entirely sure what a orgonite pyramid is or the amazing benefits they create? Check out our detailed article below

The Remarkable Benefits of an Orgonite Pyramid

Is Amazon a ‘Top Seller’ of Fraudulent Supplements?

When it comes to selling dietary supplements, Amazon is the leading player, with more than $10 billion in annual sales. However, independent testing reveals that many supplements sold are subpar quality. 

By contributing writer Dr Joseph Mercola
Grand Galactic Convergence: Lessons of La Palma Stargate

How might the energy of this magical Isla Bonita speak into the planetary earth shift right now? What might the complexities of the field there reveal to energy and lightworkers about how to focus attention as we sail into the Grand Galactic Convergence? 

By contributing writer Open
Ever feel lost in a sea of conflicting information about what healing path to take?

Would you love to feel confident in designing your own individualized, comprehensive wellness program?

The good news is that you have a lot of power when it comes to determining your own health outcomes.

Through epigenetics — gene expression in relation to its environment — it’s been demonstrated that by using discernment plus your own powerful intuition, you can modify your daily habits to engage in new behavior patterns that can optimize your health.

You can also mitigate potential negative health predictors indicated by your genes, including medical issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer… resulting in greater energy, mobility, and joy NOW.

In the past few years, exciting research has come to light in the areas of bio-optimization, functional medicine, and sound healing, providing an expanded toolkit for your practitioner partners to work with you to create your own unique, customized protocol for healing.

But how can YOU put this information to practical use?

Find out by joining this empowering free 5-Day online event:

At this event you will join a global gathering of pioneers in evolutionary consciousness — including leading-edge scientists, healers, physicians, researchers, and inspiring teachers — sharing a powerful synthesis of inner and outer knowledge that promises to shift your consciousness and unlock your innate capacity to heal body, mind, and spirit.

You'll learn from more than 30 of today’s highly sought-after scientists, healers, physicians, researchers, and inspiring spiritual teachers — including Cyndi Dale, Dawson Church, Dean Radin, Eileen McKusick, Lindsay Fauntleroy, Rupert Sheldrake, Dr. Shamini Jain, William Brown, Dr. Alberto Villoldo, Dr. Christine Schaffner, and Dr. Jennifer Freed - all of whom will be highlighting emerging research into science-backed methods to achieve optimal wellness, promote self-healing, and prevent illness — not just for specific symptoms, but for whole-system healing.

RSVP here for the Science of Healing 5-Day Online Event - Free of charge!

In this thought-provoking event, you’ll be immersed in the work of these experts on the front lines as they share potent practices and protocols to access the benefits of biofield science, energy medicine, the quantum sound-healing power of music, and natural detox solutions.

During this groundbreaking 5-day event, you’ll discover:
  • Why only 5% of your health and life expectancy is governed by your genes — and how to leverage day-to-day habits to stay healthier now… and well into your golden years
  • The fascinating techniques you can use to tap into the healing power of light and increase the energy in your cells
  • Intuition Medicine®, a system of energy diagnostics and healing for processing emotions, trauma, and illness by clearing stuck patterns in the body
  • How to awaken your inner divinity through your bioenergetic field, bio circuitry system, and biochemical secretions
  • Frequencies and resonances in the earth’s energetic systems that overlap with heart and brain rhythms to create intentional energy fields that raise your consciousness and the planet’s vibration
  • Lifestyle practices, health technologies, and products for optimizing health, peak performance, and reverse biological aging
  • Two sessions or more per week of brain training as the answer to building new neural pathways and optimizing brain function
  • And much, much more!

You’ll quickly see how to tap into emerging evidence-based modalities to accelerate healing and transformation — for you and your clients.

Secure your free place at this landmark event here.

Guided by leaders from around the globe, you’ll be able to integrate the latest proven techniques into your daily life — powerful, simple body-intelligence moves you can make throughout the day to refresh, get unstuck, transform anxiety, and enjoy more effective interactions with others.

Isn't it time you discovered life-affirming, science-backed biofield therapies for YOUR daily routine?

Articles From The Archive
Humanity is Waking Up to the Intelligence of Nature

Backed by recent scientific discoveries, there's a growing awareness within humanity that nature and its inhabitants are not as primitive and simple as they were once believed to be. 

By Guest Writer Paul Lenda.
The Spirituality of Being Vegan - A Personal Sharing

Guest writer Anastasia shares her personal experience of being vegan and her thoughts on how that fits with her spirituality.
Sacred Selfishness

For many of us, being called “selfish” is worse than any four letter word that you can imagine. In fact, the fear of being labelled “selfish” often causes us to ignore our own important needs and deepest desires. When our entire lives are shaped around not appearing selfish, not only do we suppress expression we also disregard what would bring us the most joy in life. In theory, it might sound nice to put others needs before our own, but how can you awaken when you are ignoring your Self? 

 By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis.
The Link Between B12, Brain Function and Memory

This article explores the links between vitamin B12 deficiency and cognitive decline, particularly in older adults. 

By guest writer Dr Edward F Group.
Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle Cards

Introducing the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle Deck, a powerful tool for spiritual growth and self-discovery. This deck contains 44 beautifully crafted cards, each designed to activate the sacred geometry within us and awaken our innate spiritual abilities. 

Our most popular Conscious Shopping oracle card deck so far, selling well in our opening launch sale with 20% odd everyone's first orders. Check them our hereOr take a look at our other 7 decks to chose from before the sale ends soon.
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