Subject: Latest Headlines inc. More Evidence That TV is Dumbing Us Down

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
How Anxiety Works and How You Can Dissolve it

I work as a family doctor and I often see patients complaining of anxiety and panic attacks. But with long wait times for local counselling services, I had to find a way to help my patients during my short appointments. I started researching it and learned a few such methods… 

“Made in America” — How Corporations Are Making a Killing Off Cheap Prison Labor

For decades now, there has been a push in the United States to support the economy by purchasing items produced in America. On the surface, it seems straightforward, logical and downright patriotic… But if you dig a bit deeper, you'll discover a dark secret behind many American manufacturing industries. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
More Evidence That TV is Dumbing Us Down

While many people would like to think that television is just a cheap form of harmless news and entertainment, a recent long-term study has revealed a concerning relationship between 25-year patterns of television viewing, physical activity and cognitive function … 

By Contributing Writer Christina Lavers
Warriors To The Helm! Sailing Into The Wind of Awakening

Is anyone else having a hard time going through what often appears to be the same old news? While I get weary of it at times, on the other hand, the vibrations of this massive awakening continue to arouse and inspire… 

By Contributing Writer Zen Gardner
Metaphysics: Opening The Flow

How many times have you suffered the worst of your expectations? How many times did help come from unexpected places to get you through, despite the worst of odds? Why are our programmed so different from our actual experiences? 

By Guest Writer Montalk
Why "Sustainable Development" is a Lie

Why, with all the world at stake, do we suddenly get so stupid when it comes to “sustainable development”? Why do we have such a hard time understanding that if you steal from or otherwise harm an ecosystem – a natural community – that community will suffer harm? 

By Guest Writer Derrick Jensen
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Implicit Oppression of Women

As a woman, you are told that beauty is the most important thing in the world. This message begins with the media, which glorifies a specific and increasingly sexualized representation of the female form – a conditioning that trickles into both female and male brains from the time we are young, beginning a never-ending cycle of self-hatred and seeking external validation to fill internal voids… 

By Contributing Writer Irwin Ozborne
Guns, Government, and the Matrix Control System

In light of the latest mass shooting in San Bernadino, the same old debate about gun control is rising up again. I don't own a gun, don't want a gun and I certainly don't believe in any form of “violent revolution” but I also don't believe in laws that restrict people's freedom in any way. That's another trap in itself… 

By Guest Writer Bernhard Guenther
Top 5 Foods for the Pineal Gland

If you’re seeking enlightenment through meditation, or perhaps you’re just looking to obtain a good night’s rest, you need a healthy pineal gland. Often referred to as the third eye, this small, pinecone-shaped endocrine organ located in the brain secretes and regulates melatonin, the hormone that regulates your circadian rhythms (your sleep-wake cycle) and certain sex hormones. Try these 5 foods for the best pineal gland health. 

By Guest Writer Dr Edward Group
Why Bad Things Happen at Good Times

Life is going great. You are on top of the world. Things couldn't be better! Then BOOM! You get sick, have an accident or some unexpected crisis comes up, bringing the “good times” to a screeching halt. These events can leave us feeling insecure and doubting our ability to maintain a happy and healthy life - a downward spiral that gets us more of what we don’t want. So, let’s rise above the negative and turn it all around. 

By Guest Writer Nanice Ellis
5 Spiritual Lessons You Can Learn From Your Dog

Did you ever realize that God spelled backwards is Dog? A dog, and most other pets as well, retain that godliness that many human beings are born with but often lose over time. Dogs are natural spiritual teachers. My neighbor's dog, Sammy, has been a great inspiration for me. There are many spiritual lessons to be learned from animals. Here are just 5 of them. 

By Guest Writer Tim van der Vliet
A Little Green Revolution: the Rainbow Warriors will Heal the Earth Mother

“When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come onto the Earth... and by their actions and deeds shall make the Earth green again. They shall be known as the warriors of the rainbow.” ~ Hopi Native Americans lived by to the Rule of Seven Generations, to consider the impact of one’s actions for 7 generations in the future. 

By Guest Writer Ethan Indigo Smith
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