Subject: Latest Headlines inc. How do we Live the Great 5D Shift in Daily Life?

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
How do we Live the Great 5D Shift in Daily Life?

Gaia has centred herself in the 5D and is inviting all life to join her. It may sound a bit 'out there' to some, but when you examine it fully, you'll find that every thought, emotion and feeling - indeed every action - is being influenced by the interplay of the shift. You're either making choices aligned with the surrendered flow of love, or else control and fear. 

By contributing writer Open
Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's? What You Need to Know and Why It Matters

Here is some essential information you should understand about thyroid disease and autoimmune conditions. 

By contributing writer Raluca Schachter
The Chronic Headache & Migraine Summit
Do you experience frequent headache or migraine pain...never having found a solution? Don’t give up looking for a true answer--our experts are here to help you discover the root cause of your suffering!


Your hosts, Erin, Corey and Marta, are familiar with your headache pain; they’ve all experienced severe headache problems. They found functional medicine solutions, which they now share in their health practices each day.

Discover in one week what they’ve spent years learning!

Register for FREE now

The Chronic Headache & Migraine Summit will teach you about:
• Broader understanding of contributing factors
• Hormonal, digestive and psychological influences
• Potentially life-changing holistic remedies
• Easy, practical, at-home tips and secrets
• And more!
Full Spectrum Sex: The Secret to Oxytocin and a Blissful Sexual Connection

By understanding the underlying hormonal activities associated with sex and orgasm, and how the change in our chemistry affect our moods, behavior, desires and wants, we can learn to communicate with our body’s energy centers - and those of our sexual partner - in a very intimate way, making sexual interaction a more spiritual and rewarding experience. 

By Indra 
Raising Awake Children in a Broken School System

Traditional schools, in the U.S and many other countries, are training grounds, intentionally constructed to prepare children for The System. If schools taught our children to be self-sufficient, confident and well-equipped for real life, The System would crash, or at the very least, dissolve naturally over time. Why don't we tell our children the truth about The System as soon as they are old enough to understand? Instead of teaching children how to get along in a dysfunctional world, why don’t we teach our kids how to create their lives based on their highest values?

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis

Lung Cleansing With Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is a versatile aromatic oil widely used for various ailments including indigestion, headache, and muscle aches. But did you know peppermint oil is of specific benefit for lung and upper respiratory system cleansing? 

By Guest Writer Dr. Edward Group
Big Pharma Channeled Opioids to Black Market

While overdose deaths from prescription opioids have quadrupled since 1999, the situation is only getting worse, with reports that opioid maker Purdue Pharma knowingly allowed its drugs to be funneled into the black market. 

By contributing writer Dr. Joseph Mercola 
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