Subject: Latest Headlines inc. CBD Oil 101 - A User's Guide

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy

These days, alchemy is thought of as something quaint, even a little occult; a relic of the dark ages. But there is tremendous wisdom to be found within this obscure, archaic philosophy. Contrary to popular belief, alchemy is not about transmuting base metals into gold – instead, it’s the secret science of illumination, inner liberation, and awakening to your True Nature. 

By guest writer Mateo Sol.
5 Reasons You Feel Sluggish

When you feel sluggish, it's not normally "just" a case of not enough sleep - there's something deeper going on and causing your fatigue. Fortunately, there are easy ways to fix this. 

By guest writer Dr Edward F Group.
CBD Oil 101: A User’s Guide

There is absolutely no doubt that cannabidiol (CBD) is a truly amazing plant substance with many health benefits. But if you are considering using CBD for health, how do you know what to choose for your health needs? Here is a primer on where to start. 

ARRIVAL: Draconian Star Fleet Arrives To Level the Playing Field

Is there a star fleet from Draco on the way, to reclaim their reptilian offspring and to facilitate the earth's shift? 

Contributing writer Open believes so.
Many of us in the Western world have been taught to idolize youth and to fear getting older. Yet, even as we age, we don’t have to live in fear that our bodies will degenerate…

We can choose to rejuvenate instead.

According to Ayurvedic wisdom from ancient India, living your truth — and speaking your truth — not only eases stress levels, it’s also vitally important for enjoying a long, healthy, and spiritually fulfilling life.

Join us to find out more at this free online event:

Dr. John Douillard, DC, a recognized leader in Ayurveda and natural health, teaches Ayurveda practices that can shift physical and emotional patterns to help you improve your mind-body health, find greater spiritual fulfillment, and live a longer, happier life.

In this empowering event, John will share how this ancient approach to health can help you change lifestyle habits that lead to weak digestion, shallow breathing, and poor sleep — the major obstacles to healthy aging and living a long and enjoyable life.

Register here – free – for Discover and Ayurvedic Approach to Flourish and Thrive

In this nourishing and fascinating online event, you’ll:
  • Discover how Ayurveda practices, when integrated with your life, will set you up for better health and longevity
  • Learn how to shift unhealthy emotional and physical patterns that limit your potential and hinder longevity
  • Experience a guided breathing exercise designed to help you feel your diaphragm and create calm, focus, and relaxation
  • Discover the differences between nose breathing and mouth breathing — and why one way invigorates and the other may hurt health and wellness
  • Learn about the body’s biophotons and why they’re important not only for health, but how they help heal and connect us
  • Explore the glymphatic and lymphatic systems and their activations to cleanse the body — helping to improve digestion, mood, and sleep
Ayurveda shows you how to slow down and free yourself from undesirable emotional patterns, helping you become less reactive to stressful situations and people…

… so you can fulfill your life’s purpose and maintain a sense of balance and equilibrium as you age.

Join us to hear how you can introduce the ancient philosophy and practices of Ayurveda into your daily life — and experience less stress, better digestion and sleep, and healthier aging.

RSVP here to secure your free place at this event!

We hope you’ll be able to catch the event live, but don’t worry if you can’t – everyone who registers will receive a full downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Ayurvedic practices can promote wellbeing across your whole life, from your physical health to your emotional and mental health – as well as enhancing your spiritual growth and longevity.

Isn’t it time you discovered the power of Ayurveda?

Articles From The Archive
Listening Through the Noise: Steps Toward Inner Peace

In a world of sensory bombardment, it can be hard to hear those subtle voices within. If we want to experience a depth to life far more magical than that filled by entertainment and outside stimulation, we must do something that may seem a little paradoxical... 

By guest writer Richard West.
9 Ways Vitamin D is Critical to Your Health

From boosting the immune system to protecting against dementia, here are eight important reasons to keep vitamin D levels up. 

By guest writer Casie Terry.
Imagine Our Economy as a Game of ‘Monopoly’

If you set up the board game like our actual economy, the poorest players quickly run out of money and the rich run away with the game. It's unfair, boring, and exactly what happens in real life. 

By guest writer Jill Richardson.
Why Do Human Beings Do Good Things? The Puzzle of Altruism

According to modern Neo-Darwinism, from an evolutionary perspective, we shouldn’t be interested in sacrificing ourselves for others, or even in helping others. So why do human beings sometimes risk their own lives to save others? 

By guest writer Steve Taylor Ph.D.
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