Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Astrology Update on July's New Moon in Cancer: Planting Seeds of Intention

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Wake Up World's Latest Article Headlines
If you've found value in our articles, we invite you to support the release of our brand-new book, "Gratitude Practices for Kids: A Practical Guide for Adults to Instill a Spirit of Appreciation and Positivity in the Next Generation."

"Gratitude Practices for Kids" brings together over 25 innovative and accessible practices designed to enhance gratitude in everyday life. This comprehensive guide is backed by 17 scientific studies, ensuring each concept is grounded in research, underscoring our commitment to nurturing growth, emotional intelligence, and positive interactions between adults and children.

We encourage you to opt for the paperback version to celebrate this new release. Dive into its fresh pages away from digital distractions, allowing you to immerse yourself in the transformative practices it offers.

Over recent years, Wake Up World has faced significant online censorship, which has impacted our financial ability to operate. Moving into book publishing represents a strategic step to secure the ongoing funds needed to continue our mission. By purchasing Gratitude for Kids, you help us keep our content free and accessible to everyone, avoiding needing a paywall. With over 8,500 articles published in the last 13 years, we remain dedicated to keeping our valuable content open to all.

The Hidden Dangers of Refined Sugar: What You Need to Know

Understanding the impact of refined sugar on your body is crucial for maintaining good health. Discover the risks and make informed dietary decisions. 

By contributing writer Paul A Philips.
Discover the Science of Sound Healing for Transformation

Discover the fascinating science behind sound healing. Learn how to use frequency, vibration, and harmonics to reduce anxiety and increase awareness. 

Astrology Update on July's New Moon in Cancer: Planting Seeds of Intention

Experience the transformative power of the New Moon in Cancer. Learn how to set intentions and nurture your dreams with practical tips and astrological insights. Unlock your potential with this celestial guide! 

By staff writer Dakota Flynn
Unlock the Therapeutic Benefits of Psychedelics
Are you curious about the use of psychedelics — not just for recreational purposes but as a therapeutic way to alleviate psychological and spiritual challenges? Have you wondered about the higher states of consciousness and ego dissolution that certain psychedelics can evoke — but don’t know where to start?

Explore the Science Behind Psychedelic Healing

Continually emerging clinical trials provide meaningful evidence regarding the significant benefits of certain psychedelics in reducing or even eradicating symptoms of trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression, addiction, and more — when used safely.

Join the Free Event

The Power of Informed Psychedelic Healing: How to Choose the Ideal Medicine on Your Personal Journey to Wellness.

RSVP for free here

What You Will Learn

In this illuminating hour-long session, you’ll discover:
  • Overview of 4 Psychedelics: Learn how psilocybin, MDMA, Ayahuasca, and ketamine work with your brain and psyche, the benefits they provide, and ways to use them.
  • Breathing Meditation: Participate in a breathing meditation to set an intention and bring you into a present and relaxed state of mind.
  • Mitigate Risks: Understand how to mitigate risks by maintaining a positive mental state, an appropriate setting, and creating intentions.
  • Ethical and Legal Considerations: Explore each psychedelic's ethical and legal considerations, their safety and accessibility, and their long-term effects.
  • Psychedelics in Marginalized Communities: Discover how psychedelics may help heal the pain of oppression in BIPOC or other marginalized communities.
  • Psychedelics in History and Wisdom Traditions: Learn about the role of psychedelics in history, wisdom traditions, and the evolution of human consciousness.
Transform Your Life with Psychedelic Healing

This free event is an opportunity to gain scientific wisdom and insights into the life-changing benefits of psychedelics. Learn how to use these powerful medicines to address emotional, spiritual, and relational struggles and bring profound healing into your life.

RSVP for free here

Don’t miss this chance to explore the healing power of psychedelics and how they can transform your mental health and spiritual well-being. Learn about microdosing and the addictive potential of various psychedelics, and find the most comfortable, safe, and effective path for your wellness journey.

If you cannot catch the event as scheduled, register and receive a recording as soon as it’s available. Register Now

Articles From The Archive
What is Ensoulment? (The Path of the Mystic)

Modern spirituality places great emphasis on the transcendent – on the Spirit. But unfortunately, this obsession with the ethereal comes at a detriment to the Soul. The way to overcome this is to walk the path of ensoulment. 

By guest writer Aletheia Luna.
20 Ways to Help Detox Your Body

Here are 20 ways you can support your body’s natural detox processes. 

By contributing writer Alex Du Toit
The Post-Awakening Thrive Guide – 9 Steps to Embrace the Path of Light

Are you going through an awakening that is rocking your world? Welcome home, Beloved! I hope you find this guide helpful, which is based on my personal awakening experiences as well as those whom, as a coach, I have had the honor to assist.

By contributing writer Juliet Tang

Your Iron Levels Could Be a Key to Slow Aging and Long Life

Too much iron in your blood can cause premature aging as well as heart disease, cognitive decline, and diabetes - so what can you do to keep your iron levels healthy?

By contributing writer Dr Joseph Mercola.

In today's world, true literacy extends beyond reading and writing. It involves the critical ability to question and unlearn the misinformation we've been fed and the courage to seek out and embrace the truths often hidden from and in plain sight. Cultivate a mindset that values deep understanding and critical thinking over mere acceptance.
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