Subject: Latest Headlines inc. 7 Things They Never Told Me At School - But Could Have

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7 Things They Never Told Me At School - But Could Have

The education system with its tunnel-minded curriculum frequently taught by blinkered, know-it-all academics, having fallen for the “I’m an expert” trap, is designed to programme young people to fit into boxes: work for corporations (and suchlike) when they graduate. In a way, that means you're going to have to make up for an absence of really learning about life! Here are 7 things they never told me at school (but could have). 

By guest writer Paul A. Philips 
Embrace the Shift Through Solstice Energies

Performing a Solstice celebration of your own is a beautiful way to honour Mother Earth and to help her and yourself shift into a higher frequency. A solstice celebration can be as elaborate or as simple as you choose. A simple offering of love and gratitude towards Mother Earth as you sit in stillness, or a bonfire with music, dancing, and setting intentions. 

By guest writer Jessie Klassen 
The Chronic Headache & Migraine Summit
Do you experience frequent headache or migraine pain...never having found a solution?  Don’t give up looking for a true answer--our experts are here to help you discover the root cause of your suffering!


Your hosts, Erin, Corey and Marta, are familiar with your headache pain; they’ve all experienced severe headache problems. They found functional medicine solutions, which they now share in their health practices each day.

Discover in one week what they’ve spent years learning!

Register for FREE now

The Chronic Headache & Migraine Summit will teach you about:
  • Broader understanding of contributing factors
  • Hormonal, digestive and psychological influences
  • Potentially life-changing holistic remedies
  • Easy, practical, at-home tips and secrets
  • And more!
Eating Black Raspberries Significantly Lowers Cardiovascular Disease

Researchers in Korea have shown that eating black raspberries can significantly help lower blood pressure and improve vascular function. 

By Mae Chan
11:11 – A Call to the Indigos

When we see 11:11 we are being asked to pay attention to our higher connection; to transcend the status quo, go beyond what is already known, and create new unprecedented conditions – to be an Indigo. 

By contributing writer Ethan Indigo Smith 
NASA Satellite Imagery Reveals Shocking Proof of Climate Engineering

The images shown in this article were captured from NASA satellites, providing undeniable proof of the ongoing geoengineering assault on our planet and its life support systems. 

By guest writer Dane Wigington 
Why Bad Things Happen at Good Times

Life is going great. You are on top of the world. Things couldn't be better! Then BOOM! You get sick, have an accident or some unexpected crisis comes up, bringing the “good times” to a screeching halt. These events can leave us feeling insecure and doubting our ability to maintain a happy and healthy life - a downward spiral that gets us more of what we don’t want. So, let’s rise above the negative and turn it all around. 

By Guest Writer Nanice Ellis
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