Subject: Latest Headlines inc. 20 Sources of Pain in the Body are Each Directly Tied to Specific Emotional States

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Can Medical Marijuana Relieve Migraines?

While the pharmaceutical industry continues to lobby to maintain marijuana’s criminal status, recent studies (as well as mounting anecdotal reports) suggest that medical marijuana can assist with the treatment and management of migraines, a debilitating condition that afflicts 18% of women and 6% of men. 

By contributing writer Christina Lavers 
Giving Yourself Permission – a Key to Relieving Depression!

Living the way you want to live should be the most natural thing in the world, so why is it actually one of the most challenging? Could it be that we never follow our dreams, or listen to our hearts, because we are waiting for others to give us permission, and we are too afraid to give it to ourselves? 

By contributing writer Nanice Ellis
20 Sources of Pain in the Body are Each Directly Tied to Specific Emotional States

The body is extremely literal when it comes to pain. The experiences in your life directly manifest in your body and when you encounter an emotional stress, your body shows you exactly what the problem is. The only thing you need to do is decode it. 

By Guest Writer Josh Richardson
Signs of a Dying Society

There exists a common theme today: The super-rich keep taking from the middle class as the middle class becomes a massive lower class. Yet the myth persists that we should all look up with admiration at the "self-made" takers who are ripping our society apart. 

Manufacturing Dissent: The Anti-Globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites

The economic elites favor limited and controlled forms of opposition. “Manufactured dissent” is carefully regulated and monitored by those who are the object of the protest movement, acting as a “safety valve”, which protects and sustains the New World Order. 

Mind Control, Subliminal Messages and the Brainwashing of America

Since 2013, it has been legal under U.S. federal law for the U.S. Department of State to broadcast propaganda within the United States. Now, with technological advances and acceleration of the global market, opportunities abound for advertisers, governments and media empires to exert their influence over the populous – in ways that were unheard of a generation ago. 

By contributing writer Carolanne Wright 
Free Heath Summits
The Microbiome Medicine Summit
Did you know that your body is filled with bacteria? According to research we are 50% bacteria! These trillions of organisms (known collectively as the microbiome) live all over our bodies and have a profound influence on our health. But what do you know about your microbiome? Understanding your microbiome is vitally important to understanding how to live a healthy life! This is especially true for people suffering from chronic diseases of the heart and digestive system, autoimmune disease, diabetes, thyroid disorders and more.


Raphael Kellman, MD, created The Microbiome Medicine Summit to present ground-breaking information and a whole new perspective that could help you improve your emotional and physical wellbeing!

The Home Grown Food Summit
30+ Free Presentations On Growing Your Own Food & Medicine Sustainably In Your Back Yard

Here’s just a few things you can expect to learn during the Home Grown Food Summit an Empowering FREE Global Event:

- How organic gardeners produce 2X to 10X greater yields.
- How to spend $0 feeding your chickens.
- Guide to MAKING $80 worth of compost per week.
- Legally keeping chickens and goats in the city.
- Natural beekeeping… how to do it WITHOUT chemicals!
- Raising your own superior eggs, milk, and meat… in your backyard.
- How to get FREE access to local seed varieties.
- The BEST species of worms for backyard composting.
- Instant solutions for growing food-without land.
- 24 herbals you can use to treat colds, flus, allergies, infections, and more.
- Protect yourself as a small-scale farmer from the 5 MOST COMMON law suits.
- Understand the Cottage Food Laws (CFLs) that regulate food production on your property.

7 Ways To Prevent and Even Reverse Heart Disease With Nutrition

Considering that heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the developed world, anything that can prevent cardiac mortality should be of great interest to the general public. Sadly, millions of folks are unaware of the extensive body of biomedical literature that exists supporting the use of natural compounds for preventing and even reversing heart disease. 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji. 
5 Ways Soy Upsets Hormone Balance

In my opinion, the marketing of soy as a health food is probably one of the greatest bamboozles of all time. However, most soy products are not real food — most are highly processed and genetically modified. One of the issues concerning soy is its high level of phytoestrogens — compounds that mimic estrogen in the body. So what happens when things get out of balance? 

By Guest Writer Dr. Edward F. Group
The Benefits of Soaking Nuts and Seeds

Nutritional inhibitors and toxic substances found in nuts grains and seed can be minimized or eliminated by soaking. These inhibitors and toxic substances are enzyme inhibitors, phytates (phytic acid), polyphenols (tannins), and goitrogens.

Lemon Rx: 12 Evidence-Based Reasons Why It is A Powerful Medicine

You know lemon, right? It is a tart, exciting, delicious and indispensable ingredient in recipes and beverages. But did you know that scientists have identified it is as a powerful medicine as well? The most powerful healing substances on this planet are masquerading as foods, and this is all the more true for fruits. 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji. 

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