Subject: Latest Headlines inc. 15 Effective Foods For Mood and Happiness

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
If You Care About Animals and the Earth, Here's Why We Need to Boycott Palm Oil Immediately

Widely used in packaged foods, cosmetics and toiletries, palm oil is one of the most destructive crops in the world, devastating rain forests and the animals that inhabit them — and the situation is only becoming worse. 

By contributing writer Carolanne Wright 
Report Shows DEA Deliberately Blocked Beneficial Science to Perpetuate War on Cannabis

A new report confirms the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) systematically thwarted research into both cannabis and MDMA for medicinal use, all the while pushing the idea that marijuana has no medicinal value, supporting the federal government’s “unjustifiable monopoly” on research-grade cannabis – and preventing countless people from obtaining crucial medical care. 

15 Effective Foods For Mood and Happiness

There are many foods that promote your health, give you energy, turbocharge your memory and focus, and improve your mood. These are some of the most effective... 

By guest writer April McCarthy
Lucid Dreaming as a Gate to Spiritual Awakening

Are lucid dreams actually our true reality? Are we really sleeping when we think we're awake? In this article, Frank M Wanderer​ explores the nature of dreams and consciousness... 

By guest writer Frank M Wanderer
Change the Lens Through Which You View the World

Is your life a sequence of extraordinary moments strung together to make a richly diverse tapestry, or a mundane ordinary paint stroke on a bleak canvas day after day? 

By guest writer Evita Ochel
Living From The Divine Ordinary

Our physical existence is merely one of the dimensions of our total existence, and our five senses limit us to a small percentage of the wonders in the universe. So how do we experience ourselves beyond what we can see and hear and touch? How can we know for certain that there is more than meets the eye? How do we experience “out of the world” when we are “in the world?” 

 By guest writer Juliet Tang 
Free Health Summit
Harness the power of mind, emotions and spirit for self-healing!

At the Soul of Healing Summit, we’ll merge the best of science, medicine and spirituality to help you create radical self-healing, and harness this innate power for deep and lasting health. You’ll learn from some of the top healers, scientists and experts around the world, who will share their wisdom and experience so you can find a deeply-integrated approach for personal healing.


While diet, exercise and supplements may produce remarkable results, if the vital role of the mind, emotions and soul are not taken into account, lasting health may not be possible. Body, mind and soul cannot be separated; they work together. When operating in a unified and optimized way, they have the power to create perpetual health, wellness, wholeness and long-term fulfillment.

Register for FREE

The Soul of Healing Summit could help you address:

Autoimmune diseases (including MS and Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Genetic disorders
Nerve damage, brain imbalances & neurological conditions
Bipolar disorder, depression and mental illness
Traumatic injuries with poor prognosis
Gut/Digestive imbalances
Lyme disease
Emotional trauma (including PTSD)
Stress, anxiety and sleep disturbances
Other chronic and “irreversible” conditions!

The 2016 Soul of Healing Summit is online and free from July 11-18, 2016!
Prominent U.S. Scientist Sounds The Alarm On Geoengineering

J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D is an interdisciplinary scientist of considerable notoriety. Dr. Herndon contacted me recently to express his growing concerns about the climate engineering assault - the constant toxic aerosol spraying of our planet - and the obvious human health and environmental ramifications we all face from this contamination. His recent letter to authorities is provided herein. May his outspokenness be an example to others in the science community. 

By Guest Writer Dane Wigington
Magnesium: An Invisible Deficiency That Could Be Harming Your Health

Magnesium is a mineral used by every organ in your body, especially your heart, muscles, and kidneys. If you suffer from unexplained fatigue or weakness, abnormal heart rhythms or even muscle spasms and eye twitches, low levels of magnesium could be to blame. 

By Guest Writer Dr. Joseph Mercola
Mind Control, Subliminal Messages and the Brainwashing of America

Since 2013, it has been legal under U.S. federal law for the U.S. Department of State to broadcast propaganda within the United States. Now, with technological advances and acceleration of the global market, opportunities abound for advertisers, governments and media empires to exert their influence over the populous – in ways that were unheard of a generation ago. 

By contributing writer Carolanne Wright 
16 Things You Needs to Know About Your Mind

The human mind is a wonderful masterpiece that has immense potentials. Most of its potentials, however, remain unused in most people, since it is not us who are in charge of things, but our mind takes control of us. Here are 16 important things everyone needs to know about the workings of the human mind… 

By guest writer Frank M Wanderer
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