Subject: It's Hispanic Heritage Month! Check out these incredible Hispanic and Latinx Scientists and Engineers!

It's Hispanic Heritage Month! Check out these incredible Hispanic and Latinx Scientists and Engineers!

September 18th, 2023 at 2:55 pm EDT

This September 15 to October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month! This month traditionally honors the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latino Americans as we celebrate heritage rooted in all Latin American countries. Read President Joe Bid ...

New Funding Opportunity and New Virginia Education Plan Announcement in Your VPOST September News!

September 13th, 2023 at 12:38 pm EDT

New Education Plan Announcement from the Governor On September 7, 2023, VPOST was live in Richmond, Virginia to hear the announcement from Governor Youngkin on the administration's plan to support Virginia’s students learning recovery, ALL IN V ...

NBA Math Hoops: Leveraging the Game of Basketball to Build Fundamental Skills!

September 11th, 2023 at 9:52 am EDT

For the '23-'24 school year, we are excited to announce our upcoming season of NBA Math Hoops! Participants will learn best practices for implementing the NBA Math Hoops game and curriculum, gain free access to the Learn Fresh program management p ...

Join Us in Welcoming Dr. Vaughn Garland to the VPOST Leadership Advisory Council!

September 6th, 2023 at 10:20 am EDT

VPOST is thrilled to announce that Dr. Vaughn Garland of Mary and Frances Youth Center has joined our Leadership Advisory Council! Dr. Vaughn is a Richmond-based educator, community builder, and artist working with youth education, program developm ...