Subject: Michelle Simpson: 2023 Afterschool Ambassador
Michelle Simpson: 2023 Afterschool Ambassador
March 31st, 2023 at 11:13 am EDTEvery year, the Afterschool Alliance selects Out-of-School Time (OST) professionals to serve as Afterschool Ambassadors. Each Ambassador will organize a major event for Lights on Afterschool (October 26, 2023), the Afterschool Alliance's annual ral ...
Help Virginia Reach Its Goal! One More Day for Power of Us!
March 30th, 2023 at 12:35 pm EDTMillions of staff and volunteers work with young people every day in the many settings where youth play, learn, and grow outside of the school day. Yet, we have little collective information about this essential workforce. Youth-serving staff and v ...
Celebrating Women's History Month: An-Me Chung's Afterschool Heroes
March 29th, 2023 at 10:09 am EDTIn this Medium Article, An-Me Chung reflects on the women in afterschool leadership who were instrumental in turning the 21st CCLC funding stream from a practically unheard-of program to the powerhouse of federal afterschool funding we know today. ...
Future Ready, Starts Today Registration CLOSES TODAY!
March 21st, 2023 at 10:00 am EDTOur 14th annual conference, Future Ready, Starts Today, is just around the corner! We are so excited to convene with the out-of-school time field in Blacksburg next week. We have 15 different breakout workshops to choose from. Session topics includ ...
Future Ready, Starts Today Registration CLOSES TOMORROW!
March 20th, 2023 at 12:28 pm EDTOur 14th annual conference, Future Ready, Starts Today, is just around the corner! We are so excited to convene with the out-of-school time field in Blacksburg next week. We have 15 different breakout workshops to choose from. Session topics includ ...
Strawberry DNA Kits, New Childcare Guide, Pitch Challenge and more in your March VPOST News!
March 14th, 2023 at 6:26 pm EDTRegistration closes soon! Register by March 21st to join us at VPOST's 14th Annual Conference, Future Ready, Starts Today, you will have 15 different breakout workshops to choose from. Session topics include: STEMSocial-emotional learningP ...
Join us today for a 30 minute lunch & learn launching our childcare licensure guide!
March 8th, 2023 at 7:30 am EDTJoin Us Today at Noon! VPOST has developed a guide to simplify and provide complementing resources to the Standards for Virginia Child Day Programs. A Guide to the Virginia Childcare Licensure Process for School-Aged Afterschool Programs gives a us ...
Last day to secure discounted lodging for our conference, March 27, 2023!
March 6th, 2023 at 2:43 pm EDTYOU'RE INVITED TO JOIN US AT: 14th Annual Conference Monday, March 27, 2023 Today is the last day left to secure discounted lodging at our conference venue, The Inn at Virginia Tech. VPOST's hotel block with a discounted rate of $105 per night exp ...
Just days left to secure discounted lodging for our conference, March 27, 2023!
March 2nd, 2023 at 2:59 pm EDTYOU'RE INVITED TO JOIN US AT: 14th Annual Conference Monday, March 27, 2023 Just days are left to secure lodging at our conference venue, The Inn at Virginia Tech. VPOST hotel block with a discounted rate of $105 per night expires on March 6, 2023 ...
Launching Our Young Entrepreneur Pitch Challenge!
March 2nd, 2023 at 10:58 am EDTEncourage young entrepreneurs across the state to showcase their ideas! Calling all Young Entrepreneurs!Virginia YES Pitch Challenge is a contest for students in Virginia in grades 6-12, participating in out-of-school programs. This contest ...