Subject: We're seeking proposals on Math, Reading, and Family Engagement! Apply today!

Foundational Blocks of Math, Reading and Family Engagement

The RFP for Summer is Now Open!

VPOST is seeking high-quality proposals for our virtual summer learning series that guides educators through the latest research, pedagogies, and practices for offering math, reading, and family engagement in out-of-school time programs.

After an entire year of learning loss due to the pandemic, afterschool programs serve as a critical role in academic recovery. Math and Reading are the most foundational blocks of learning and student achievement is never truly successful without taking a whole-child approach. That’s why working closely with families as partners is crucial. However, after a year of disconnection, family engagement is more challenging than ever. VPOST seeks to provide out-of-school time programs with the skills they need to get our children back to a firm foundation for success.

If you would like to share your expertise with our community, please review the full RFP by clicking the button below.

View the full RFP

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