Subject: VPOST at Engage Every Student and more in your July News!

VPOST at US Department of Education, Engage Every Student Summit

VPOST was thrilled to join with the Afterschool Alliance and On the Road Collaborative to present at the Engage Every Student Summit last week in Washington, D.C. about the State of Afterschool in 2023 and the role of American Rescue Plan funding. 

The Engage Every Student Summit marked the 1-year anniversary of Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona’s, “bold call to action to provide high-quality out-of-school time learning opportunities for every child who wants to participate.” 

Brent Holsinger, VPOST Program Manager, had the opportunity to share how American Rescue Plan funding has led to a major expansion of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program in Virginia, resulting in a $3 million increased investment and an additional 1,000 students to be served in summer and after-school programs during 2023-2024. 

We look forward to working with all of our incredible stakeholders to sustain these gains in Virginia and build upon this momentum so we can realize Secretary Cardona’s call to ensure every child who wants to participate in a quality out-of-school time program can. 

VPOST Shares Feedback on 21st Century Community Learning Center Draft Non-Regulatory Guidance

The U.S. Department of Education called for feedback on 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Draft Non-Regulatory Guidance, which you can view in this PDF. This is the first time in 20 years that the Department has updated the non-regulatory guidance and public comments help ensure 21st CCLC remains a strong program for decades to come. The draft guidance will supersede the department’s previous guidance finalized in February 2003 and will align the 21st CCLC program with the Every Student Succeeds Act which was passed in 2015.

VPOST, as a friend of the field, has solicited input from programs and shared recommendations on behalf of the field at large. Our recommendations include making improvements to transportation, funding management/braiding, and data sharing. You can read the full letter sent to the US Department of Education here.  

Congress is working through the FY 2024 spending process and some in Washington are proposing significant cuts to education programs. Reach out to your members of Congress to thank them for their past support and call on them to increase funding for the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) initiative – the only federal funding stream dedicated to supporting local school and community-based afterschool, before-school, and summer learning programs. The families of approximately 25 million children are unable to access an afterschool program, with those in rural communities as well as low-income, Black, and Latinx families most likely to be left behind. A significant funding increase will help programs cover growing costs and meet the nationwide demand for programs.

Please take two minutes to dial your members of Congress and send a message in support of afterschool and summer learning programs.

Amendment to Childcare Licensure and Exemptions


House Bill (HB) 1698 amends § 22.1-289.030 of the Code of Virginia. The legislation amends the exemption for programs offered by a local school division to allow operation for more than four hours per day on shortened instructional days and non-instructional days pursuant to the exemption in § 22.1-289.030 B7. However, these exempt programs are still limited to operating for four hours per day on full instructional days.


These exempt programs must be staffed by local school division employees, attended by children who are at least three years of age and are enrolled in public school or a preschool program within such school division, and subject to safety and supervisory standards established by the local school division offering the program.


No action is needed for programs currently exempt under § 22.1-289.030 B7 that have filed a Statement of Intent with the Superintendent within the last 12 months. Programs currently exempt under § 22.1-289.030 B7 that would like to operate under the revised statute must file an exemption here. Once the Department receives the exemption filing, it will be reviewed, and a confirmation email of the filing will be provided if the information provided in the Statement of Intent demonstrates compliance with the exemption requirements.


Licensed programs that would like to request the exemption under § 22.1-289.030 B7 must first file for the exemption and receive confirmation from the Department that the filing was processed, then surrender the license to their assigned licensing inspector. Prior to deciding to surrender their license and operate under this exemption, school divisions are reminded that programs operating under § 22.1-289.030 B7 are not eligible to obtain national fingerprint background checks as a regulated child day program through Fieldprint. For Child Care Subsidy participants, a new vendor agreement may be required. Please contact child care subsidy for more information at

Applications Now Open for the Summer Food Service Program

The Summer Food Service Program operates at sites such as schools, public housing centers, community centers, playgrounds, camps, parks, and churches. Organizations that may qualify to participate in the program include public and private schools, local governments, public, and nonprofit private residential summer camps, and faith-based and community-based non-profit organizations.

The program — which is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture — allows organizations to combine a feeding program with another activity in communities where at least 50 percent of the children are eligible for free and reduced-price meals.

Full details here

Mizzen by Mott is a no-cost app made by afterschool professionals for afterschool professionals. Check out their new lessons on entrepreneurship, created in partnership with Venture Labs! Explore the infinite potential of youth entrepreneurship one learning experience at a time. Curated with a focus on hands-on activities, real-world problem-solving, and experiential learning, VentureLab content will empower your youth with the skills and mindset needed for a future of innovation and success. Available in app stores and at

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