Subject: VPOST STEM Ambassadors at the General Assembly!

On Monday, January 29, 2024, VPOST had the honor of holding a Youth STEM Ambassadors Advocacy Day at the Virginia General Assembly. Fifteen youth ranging in ages 13-18 met with their legislators to share how and why STEM learning in afterschool and summer learning programs has been uniquely impactful in their lives. The Ambassadors highlighted that children, youth, and families all across Virginia should have access to OST learning, just as they have. A special highlight of the day came when Senator Stella Perkarsky recognized the students at the Capitol building during a floor session.

During the advocacy day, VPOST shared one avenue for creating more STEM learning opportunities in out-of-school time settings. We currently have a budget amendment sponsored that calls for approximately $4 million in general funds for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program at the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). This will allow 14 before-school, after-school, and summer learning programs to continue operating and serving school-age children attending low-income, high-poverty schools. The current funding for these 14 programs expires this summer. We urge you to join these students in championing expanded learning opportunities in Virginia. Click here to voice your support.

Expanded STEM Learning opportunities are extremely popular in out-of-school time programs in Virginia. In fact68% of Virginia afterschool programs offer STEM. Afterschool and summer learning programs are uniquely situated to spark interest by allowing children and youth the space to explore and experiment with STEM while eliminating the repercussions of academic failure. Furthermore, the environment encourages students to dive deep into specific STEM topics and collaborate with similarly interested peers. Investment in STEM education is critical in preparing Virginia’s future workforce given that the Commonwealth is steeped in demand for STEM-based careers. 

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