VPOST Updates Educational Outreach Project
VPOST was awarded a small grant from the Afterschool Alliance for Educational Outreach. The project will focus on: Enhancing the Youth Ambassadors program A Position Statement for the upcoming gubernatorial race Inclusion of Superintendents with our School Board Outreach Publishing local op-eds using the one published in the Richmond-Times Dispatch on ARP funding as a model Working with VDOE on ARP set-asides
Million Girls Moonshot
VPOST has been awarded the year two Million Girls Moonshot grant. This will allow us to continue to build capacity and a network of STEM champions. In addition, we were also accepted to participate in two optional opportunities. One will allow a team of program leaders to attend a national community of practice and the other will bring a coding program for Latinas for two summer programs.
Smart Beginnings Safe Place to Learn Program
Last month, VPOST kicked off a 6-month technical assistance program for the Smart Beginnings of Danville Pittsylvania that supports their school-age community learning hubs via the Safe Place to Learn Program.
Upcoming Presentations May 19th: VPOST to present to the Fairfax Office for Children and Women's Rights Committee on ARP funding June 2nd: Presentation to 21st CCLC grantees on Million Girls Moonshot resources and STEM Coalition