Subject: VPOST January 2021 News: COVID-19 vaccines and what we know

America After 3 PM 2020 is a critical report based on survey responses from more than 30,000 American households, including 731 in-depth interviews in Virginia.

In Virginia, the results mirror the national survey findings, which show support for afterschool programs is strong but the unmet demand for afterschool programs is soaring. Full information on America After 3 PM can be found on Afterschool Alliance's website.

Reports on Greater Richmond are also available, where 15,760 children are enrolled in afterschool programs.

This data is critical in helping us understand the current state of afterschool in Virginia and to tell our story. More information will be available soon. Be on the lookout for the release of an AA3PM fact sheet on Black and Latinx communities, an infographic on inequity, as well as a fact sheet on middle school.

Learn more about Virginia and Richmond After 3 PM

Vaccine Distribution Updates: What We Know Now

Governor Ralph Northam announced on January 6, 2021 plans to roll out the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, which divides certain populations into priority groups. After healthcare workers in Group A, Group B includes frontline essential workers in specific industries including K-12 teachers/staff and childcare providers. Virginia's language does not explicitly mention afterschool or out-of-school time programs. However, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices considers out of school/afterschool/summer program staff operating in-person programs as “childcare workers.”  Full information about Group B, which is expected to gain access to vaccinations near the end of January, is available here.

When exactly vaccines will be available for Group B will depend on locality but may be as early as late January. The Virginia Department of Health has set up a "When Can I Get Vaccinated?" questionnaire. It allows users to indicate the type of work they are in and leave contact availability in order to be contacted by the Virginia Department of Health to verify their vaccine eligibility.

VPOST is closely monitoring developments on vaccine availability and safety coordination opportunities for our field.

While Virginia is rich in out-of-school time STEM learning programs, they are not connected on a state level. Individually, these programs face the same challenges in engaging with girls, non-binary, African American, and Latinx youth and in preparing our future workforce for a Virginia that is steeped in demand for STEM-based careers. VPOST aims to address this void by forming a Virginia Coalition for Equity in OST STEM Programs. This coalition will be a learning community that pulls together key stakeholders with a dedicated interest in increasing access and quality of STEM-based out-of-school time opportunities for girls, non-binary youth, and other underrepresented groups.

Join Us! We encourage participation from community and school-based out-of-school time educators and administrators, higher education, professionals, business rooted in STEM, policymakers, influencers, museums, libraries, parents, and more.

Learn more

NSLA Summer Learning Awards

The deadline for The National Summer Learning Association's (NSLA) 2021 Summer Learning Awards is approaching fast. Applications are due by January 15, 2021. 

If you were unable to hold your program last summer, you are welcome to submit an application for your 2019 program.

Each award-winning program will receive:

  • $10,000 donation, supported by the New York Life Foundation;

  • National recognition at NSLA’s Summer Changes Everything™ annual conference (virtual or in-person);

  • An official award seal for use on their website and in program publications

You can preview the application here.


Learning About COVID-19 Activity Guides Now Available in Spanish!

Coronavirus has impacted students and families significantly altering our education systems, including out-of-school time programs. The activities and resources in the Learning About COVID-19 Activity Guides were intentionally designed to engage youth on the science of COVID-19 and to enhance the social skills necessary to process and cope with life during the pandemic.


To ensure greater access to the Learning About COVID-19 Activity Guide, Beyond School Bells has translated the guide into Spanish. (Aprendiendo Acerca de COVID-19)

Aprendiendo Acerca de COVID-19: 

Aprendiendo Acerca de COVID-19 is posted on the Alaska Afterschool Network Website here.

On behalf of New York Life Insurance Company, Afterschool Alliance invites out-of-school time programs to apply for The Aim High: Supporting Out-of-School Time Programs Serving Middle School Youth.

This opportunity supports and bolsters the ability of afterschool and summer learning programs to help their middle school students make a successful transition to high school, particularly in the face of the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

There will be an informational webinar on January 14th. Sign-up here.

This competitive grant program includes both one- and two-year grant opportunities. Application deadline: 5:00 PM EST, Monday, February 1st, 2021

Read the RFP here


Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth Tobacco Prevention Funding

Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth has announced a new round of three-year Tobacco Prevention funding. The full RFP is now available.

Contract Period: July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2024

A total of up to $8,280,000 is available over three years ($2,760,000 annually) to prevent and reduce youth tobacco, nicotine, and vaping product use across Virginia. Two categories of funding are available with the Youth Development category of particular interest for afterschool programs. 

View the summary RFP here. 

Virginia ABC Alcohol Education and Prevention Grant

The annual Virginia ABC Alcohol Education and Prevention Grant program awards up to $10,000 in funding to organizations and institutions working on underage drinking prevention, social providing/social hosting prevention, or high-risk drinking prevention. Applications will be accepted until March 1 at 5:00 p.m. Learn more here.

Northern Virginia Community Foundation The Community Investment Funds Application Now Available

Grants up to $10,000 will be awarded to youth development organizations or programs (501(c)(3) organizations providing charitable or educational services (local, state, and federal government entities are not eligible to apply) that provide afterschool/summer activities and support academic achievements of children and youth who may be at risk due to poverty. Grants will be made to organizations providing services in Northern Virginia (Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William counties, plus the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, and Manassas/Manassas Park).

Learn more here


NBA Math Hoops Webinar

NBA Math Hoops is offering a free, 90 minute workshop where participants will learn best practices for implementing the NBA Math Hoops game and curriculum. Participants will also gain free access to the Learn Fresh program management website and all program materials, which has options for both virtual and in-person community events.

Wed, January 13, 2021 @ 7 pm EST - RSVP

Questions? Contact Rebecca Wong at


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