Subject: Units 4 and 5 of the Summer Activity Guide are Here! 😎

Units 4 and 5 of the Summer Activity Guide are Now Available!

In partnership with the Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network and the 50 State Afterschool Network, we present this suite of fun and engaging activities and challenges designed specifically to accommodate the summer of 2020. 

Unit 4 focuses on Invention and Imagination, while Unit 5 is themed on Exploring My World. Two webinars to support the Summer Activity Guide are coming up. Answering Your Questions and Sharing Ideas for the Summer Activity Guide (Thursday, July 30 from 3pm-4pm EST) is a chance to dive deeper into the Summer Activity Guide, hear strategies for implementation, and share your experience with the resource. Using the Summer Activity Guide in Your Fall Programming (Thursday, August 13 from 3pm-4pm EST) will provide an overview of the guide and then the floor will be opened for questions and conversation about how the resources can be used in your fall programming.

Get Summer Activity Units 4-5

150 Activities and Challenges will be released approximately every two weeks. They are:

  • Organized by age (5-9) (10-12) (13-15) (16-18)

  • Adaptable for in-person and virtual instruction, or a hybrid of both, as well as take-home packets

  • Based in skill-building & social-emotional learning

In addition, supporting materials for professional development and family engagement will be made available. They include:

  • Webinars

  • Quick Guides

  • Feedback Form

  • Implementation Videos 

Did we mention it's all totally free?! Units 1-5 are now available now on our Resource Exchange Site!

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