Subject: Resources for talking to kids about yesterday's attack

While watching the heinous events of the US Capitol and democratic process under attack, we know that every one that works with children began to ponder, “What will I say to my kids?”.  As adults, we are still processing what has happened and what is to come. Nevertheless, our children have likely already turned to the adults in their lives, like you, for guidance, stability, and a safe space to comprehend the world. VPOST remains so proud of our community of out-of-school time educators and their commitment and capability to shepherd our children through such dark days. The power held by educators like yourselves to guide children and thereby our collective future is truly awesome. 


As you navigate these difficult conversations. Please know that we at VPOST are there for you. We’d like to start by offering up some resources that may help you. 


·      Leading Conversations After the Insurrection in Washington DC (Teaching Tolerance)

·      Resources for Talking To Students About the Attack on the Capitol (We are Teachers)

·      Responding to the Insurrection at the US Capitol (Facing History)

·      Caring for Students in the Wake of a Traumatic News Event (Ed Week)

·      Put on your Own Oxygen Mask First, Self-Care for Afterschool Professionals (National Afterschool Association)

·      Virginia for Inclusive Communities: Guide for After the Election


Thank you for your decision to show up each and every day. Again, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


The VPOST Board of Directors and Staff

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