Subject: RFP Now Open for our Virtual Conference, "Are We There Yet?!"


We're looking for high-quality workshop presenters for our annual conference!

Originally, VPOST intended for our 2021 conference to be held in-person. However, 2021 had different plans and we quickly shifted to a virtual conference. It only seemed fitting that this year’s conference theme authentically spoke to the enduring journey we are all on. “Are We There Yet?!: Cultivating Joy on the Long and Winding Road” is humorous and honest nod to the collective fatigue from constant adaptation. Nevertheless, when you are in a place where the future seems unpredictable, the need to remain in the present moment, and find joy in the everyday becomes paramount. Last year our conference was themed around resiliency. To find joy in the face of enduring stress and uncertainty is nothing short of resiliency. Joy provides momentary respite on that long road refueling our service of the children and families looking to us. Finally, small moments of joy help lift ourselves and our colleagues up on our journey in navigating these complex times. Join us cultivating joy for the out-of-school time community in Virginia. VPOST is looking for those that have expert insights, proven strategies, inspiration, and innovations in the field to meet this moment!

Workshop Strands

● Activities and Environments for the Whole Child

● Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

● Social-Emotional Learning and Trauma-Informed Care

● Relationships, Connection and Self-Care Strategies

● Policy, Advocacy, and Pandemic Relief Funding

Full details are in the Request for Proposal, including when and where to submit your application. Sponsorship and Exhibition opportunities will be coming soon. Questions can be directed at Christine Jones Monaccio, Professional Development and Quality Coordinator at

Read the RFP


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