Subject: RFP Now Open for our IN-PERSON Conference, Come Together!

We're looking for high-quality workshop presenters for our annual conference!

This year’s conference theme, “Come Together” is inspired by the hope that reconnection brings. Just as many of us are reuniting with our loved ones, many out-of-school time programs have or are beginning to return to in-person settings. It is a time to celebrate that we can gather with our participants and colleagues with reduced risk. However, there is no denying that we can’t just go back to where we were. If we are to come together in an authentic way, we must also address the impact and trauma of recent events. The need for the out-of-school time community to coalesce and be guided by leaders in the field is crucial to serving the young people of Virginia. VPOST is looking for those that have expert insights, proven strategies, inspiration, and innovations in the field to meet this challenge!

Workshop Strands

● Activities and Environments for the Whole Child

● Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

● Social-Emotional Learning and Trauma-Informed Care

● Relationships and Connection

● Policy, Advocacy, and Pandemic Relief Funding

Full details are in the Request for Proposal, including when and where to submit your application. Sponsorship and Exhibition opportunities will be coming soon. Questions can be directed at Christine Jones Monaccio, Professional Development and Quality Coordinator at

Read the RFP


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