We're looking for high-quality workshop presenters for our annual conference!
VPOST will be returning to an in-person event in Blacksburg, VA on March 27, 2023, for our 14th annual conference, Future Ready, Starts Today. This year’s conference theme speaks to the need to prepare young people for a future we might not yet imagine, while recognizing the importance of the here and now.
Does this idea speak to you and do you have an area of expertise to share with the out-of-school time community? VPOST is looking for those that have insights, proven strategies, inspiration, and innovations in the field!
Workshop Strands
The conference strands are clusters of VPOST revised Quality Standards, which are set to be released in mid to late 2023. Presenters may pick one or more aspects of each strand. Furthermore, all of the strands are interrelated and while only one strand can be selected, presenters are invited to focus on subject matter that spans across the clusters. Relationships • Partnerships and Networking • Inclusion and Belonging Supporting Student Success • Child and Youth Voice • Active Engaged Learning Leadership and Staff Development • Continuous Improvement Safe Environments • Health and Wellbeing
Full details are in the Request for Proposal, including when and where to submit your application. Sponsorship and Exhibition opportunities will be coming soon. Questions can be directed to Christine Jones Monaccio, Professional Development and Quality Coordinator at Christine.jones-monaccio@v-post.org. |