Subject: Nominate your Colleague for our OST Staff Award 🏅

Nominate an Exceptional Afterschool Champion:

Please help us celebrate the amazing work of those in our field! VPOST will be hosting an awards ceremony at VPOST's 14th Annual Conference, Future Ready, Starts Today, March 27, 2023, in Blacksburg, VA. VPOST will award up to three individuals that demonstrate one of the quality standards in exemplary action. VPOST is currently developing the second edition of the Virginia OST Program Quality Standards, which is anticipated to be released in late 2023. OST staff can be nominated as exemplifying achievement in any one of the new quality standards.

The top selected nominees will be given a complimentary ticket to attend Future Ready, Starts Today, where they will be recognized. Award winners will receive a ticket to VPOST 2024 Conference and be featured in VPOST communications.

If you have any questions, e-mail Christine, Professional Development and Quality Coordinator, at

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