All sessions are on Tuesdays from 1:00 - 2:00 PM: June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, and November 28, 2023
Previous Training Recordings: April HERE
Upcoming Sessions Afterschool Math Plus Curriculum
June 20th
Jump Rope Math: How Far Can You Go?
Create line graphs and use data to make predictions about how far jumpers can travel in a set amount of time.
July 18thth
Jump Rope Math: Going to Great Lengths
Observe patterns, create a scatter graph, and analyze data to make predictions about connections between jump rope length and jumper height.
August 15thth
Jump Rope Math: Designing a Math Investigation
Use bar graphs, line graphs, scatter graphs and Venn diagrams to explore different ways of answering math questions about jumping rope.
September 19thth
MusicMath: Unexpected Math, Creating Rhythms, and Making Rhythm Patterns
Create musical patterns, then repeat the patterns and think about how to represent the patterns using words, pictures, and symbols.
October 17thth
MusicMath: Composing Music (with Math!)
Experiment with repeating patterns and create new arrangements using similar sounds in different sequences.
November 14th
MusicMath: Discovering Music Fractions
Identify and represent parts of fractions using music and explore combinations and permutations, or ways of creating variety while still using the same elements.
December 12th
MusicMath: Orchestration
Use fractions to create musical compositions, then perform the compositions using found instruments (pans, boxes, pencils, whistles). Create new combinations and permutations for the music fractions.