Subject: New Afterschool Funding Available in your December VPOST News!

On Friday, November 4th, 2022, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) announced the availability of 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) grant funds to be awarded to community-based organizations to support afterschool, before-school, and summer learning programs. Grant awards of $50,000-$250,000 for a one-year period will be awarded to implement out-of-school programming that will assist student learning and development.

Newly added-VPOST has added a resource page on our website. Further support is available by contacting Laura Toni-Holsinger, CBO Manager at

We're looking for high-quality workshop presenters for our annual conference!

VPOST will be returning to an in-person event in Blacksburg, VA on March 27, 2023, for our 14th annual conference, Future Ready, Starts Today. This year’s conference theme speaks to the need to prepare young people for a future we might not yet imagine, while recognizing the importance of the here and now.

Does this idea speak to you and do you have an area of expertise to share with the out-of-school time community? VPOST is looking for those that have insights, proven strategies, inspiration, and innovations in the field!

Full details are in the Request for Proposal, including when and where to submit your application. Sponsorship and Exhibition opportunities will be coming soon. Questions can be directed to Christine Jones Monaccio, Professional Development and Quality Coordinator at

Up to $100,00 in Afterschool Grant Funding!

The New York Life Foundation is seeking applications from afterschool, summer, or expanded learning programs serving underserved middle-school youth. In total, $1.8 million in grants will be awarded to programs all across the country.

Grant categories:

  • $100,000 Level

    • Ten (10) grants of $50,000 per year over the span of two years (for a total award of $100,000) will go to OST programs with annual program budgets of $250,000 or more and annual organizational budgets of $500,000 or more.


  • $50,000 Level

    • Ten (10) grants of $25,000 per year over the span of two years (for a total award of $50,000) will go to OST programs with annual organizational budgets of $250,000 or more.


  • $15,000 Level

    • Twenty (20) awards of $15,000 over one year will go to OST programs with annual organizational budgets of $150,000 or more. 

      • ​Ten (10) will focus on racial equity and social justice, and

      • Ten (10) will focus on youth well-being.


Afterschool Alliance is hosting a webinar on December 15th at 3 p.m. ET to share more about this opportunity. Applications are due February 1, 2023 at 5 p.m. ET. Learn more about the grant application, view the RFP, and submit your application.


Level the Playing Field collects lightly used and new sports equipment and redistributes it to youth programs, leagues, and schools serving under-resourced youths and communities.


Programs that are interested in receiving equipment must serve economically disadvantaged children, and provide free or low-cost service to participants. Athletics should be a component of a comprehensive program. Programs that receive equipment would need to coordinate the delivery of equipment from Silver Spring, MD.

For more information, including how to apply please click here. Questions can be directed to Daniel Griffin at

ACRES Training Cohort: Facilitating Engineering Practices 

Dates: 12:00 PM-2:00 PM EST o Tuesdays: 1/10/2023, 1/24/2023 & 2/7/2023

Engineering has become a staple of STEM programming for youth. How can we confidently bring engineering into our programming and support youth as they engage in problem-solving? In this module, you’ll  gain first-hand experience with engineering by solving a design problem. As a participant, you’ll examine the components of the engineering design process and discuss ways to model the process with youth. Asking Purposeful Questions is a prerequisite to this skill. Register: Use the code AC285EP

Power of Us Workforce Survey: Calling All Youth-Serving Professionals and Volunteers

Every person who works with young people is committed to helping them thrive. On athletic fields, in afterschool programs, in libraries, and in faith-based institutions, youth-serving professionals and volunteers are making a difference every day. Through the Power of Us Workforce Survey, youth-serving professionals and volunteers can contribute to a national effort to explore, define, and elevate their profession. Take the survey today! 

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