Subject: Million Girls Moonshot Monday: Virginia Coalition for Equity in OST STEM

Join the Virginia Coalition for Equity in OST STEM

STEM is a staple of OST programs as the environment and culture promote exploration and innovation. How do we ensure girls, non-binary, Black, and Latinx kids feel like STEM is for them? VPOST is starting an Equity in OST STEM Programs Coalition to address this very issue. Join us to collaborate with STEM educators and leaders across Virginia!

Learn More!

Mission to Mars Student Challenge

Lead students in designing and building a mission to Mars with a guided education plan and resources from NASA, join in live stream Q&As with experts and share student work with a worldwide audience. The challenge culminates on February 18, when students can land their missions along with the Perseverance Mars rover!

About VPOST Million Girls Moonshot Monday

VPOST is proud to be a part of the Million Girls Moonshot initiative, working to inspire and prepare the next generation of innovators by engaging one million more girls in STEM learning opportunities through afterschool and summer programs over the next five years. The Million Girls Moonshot is an initiative of the STEM Next Opportunity Fund.

VPOST, Moonshot Monday is our twice a month newsletter, arriving in your inbox every other Monday and filled with resources and opportunities to better engage girls in STEM. We will also have this information available on our Resource Exchange website, to make it easily available to you.

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