Subject: Let Your Voices Be Heard! Take the Afterschool Alliance's Short Survey about OST Programming Today!

We are halfway to our goal in Virginia! You can help us cross the finish line!

For the last couple of years, the Afterschool Alliance has conducted a series of surveys to help document how afterschool and summer learning programs are innovating to meet the needs of young people and families. This ninth and final survey remains important for funders, policy makers, education leaders, and the overall public to understand the supports afterschool and summer learning programs are currently providing, the challenges they face, and what their needs are to better help their children and families. With support from the American Rescue Plan, there is a tremendous opportunity to increase investment in afterschool and summer programs to helps students re-engage, re-connect, and recover.

In less than 15 minutes, you can contribute to the story of the critical role that afterschool and summer programs are playing. Virginia is only 13 responses away from completing our goal! You can help us cross the finish line.

All those that complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for the chance to win one of the 50 giftcards in the amount of $50 dollars.

Take the survey here.

If you need assistance completing the survey, please contact Lydia Redway at If you would like more information about the research, please contact Nikki Yamashiro at

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