Encourage young entrepreneurs across the state to showcase their ideas!
| | | Calling all Young Entrepreneurs! | Virginia YES Pitch Challenge is a contest for students in Virginia in grades 6-12, participating in out-of-school programs. This contest helps kids learn and engage in creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, and presentation skills. | | | | Think of a business idea. It can be a product, service, social enterprise, or technology business. Enter as an individual or team of up to 4 by creating a video of your team pitching the business idea. Keep the camera focused on you for most of the video. We want to see and hear you pitching your idea. We don’t want to see a commercial. Keep your video short, 30-90 seconds is the time frame. Entries will be judged on the CREATIVITY of the idea, business name, and video; the PERSUASIVENESS of the elevator pitch; and the OVERALL QUALITY of the idea, pitch and video. Complete your video and submit to your teacher/ program leader before the deadline of May 15th, 2023. Judging will be done by an independent panel of judges. Three (3) winners will receive a $100 dollar incentive! Winners will be announced and contacted by May 31st, 2023.
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