Subject: Important follow up to the OST STEM Coalition meeting last week


Meeting Recap

  • We had a warm-up activity called "Cultural Toss" which helped to simulate how people set aside various parts of their inner identity to assimilate into various situations. If you'd like to view the activity instructions, it is available in the shared google drive.

  • Thank you for your feedback on how we should structure our coalition. We will keep with the 1 hr meeting length but will move to meetings every other month, rather than quarterly.

  • We now have a shared resources folder. Feel free to add any resources that you think would be helpful to other coalition members. We have two very extensive resource spreadsheets to start with. One focuses on OST STEM, the other on DEI work.

  • We have a new opportunity available to coalition members through the Million Girls Moonshot initiative.

    • Volunteer: Million Girls Moonshot is making corporate volunteers available to their state partners (VPOST) and their partners (you!). The first corporate partner is Intel. Volunteers will be remote for now. The opportunities can be one-time or ongoing. Examples of volunteer roles: Guest speaker, host a virtual activity, serve as a coach or judge for culminating event. If you are interested, contact Christine to put in a request.

  • The majority of our discussion was analyzing the assets and challenges in creating and sustaining more equitable OST STEM programs. Reflecting back upon the SWOT Analysis/Brainstorming in the Spring convening, the coalition used a poll to vote on priorities and a Jamboard to identify common themes and connections.

Homework Before Our Next Meeting

  1. Register for the next meeting. See below!

  2. If you missed the meeting, please complete this reflection here.

  3. Review the Equity and Inclusion Framework.

Next Meeting

September 29 at 10:30 AM

Register in advance for this meeting:  

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


  • VPOST Summer Learning Series: VPOST is hosting 2 rounds of a 3-day professional learning series. Each day will have a different theme. July 28 and August 4 will focus on math. Our guest speakers will be from Learn Fresh where they will present on the free, NBA Math Hoop program.

  • Black Girls Create: This report describes the development and implementation of maker afterschool clubs designed for Black girls. 

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