Meeting Recap
Thanks to all that attended our first Equity in OST STEM Coalition meeting. Our first meeting focused on establishing a firm foundation for why we formed the coalition. Here are some main points:
Virginia is rich in both OST STEM programs and career pathways for STEM. Virginia OST STEM programs are not well connected and therefore generally not working together collaboratively and strategically. STEM careers, especially Engineering, tend to be dominated by men. Girls, non-binary youth and youth of color are underrepresented. This coalition seeks to make movement toward "the dream" of a Virginia where there is no gender or race/ethnicity gap in Virginia STEM, both in out-of-school time education and career fields. This coalition is comprised of those with a vested interest in making movement towards this dream and includes OST program providers, private industry, government, professional societies and other champions. The coalition is still very much in a recruitment phases, and we could especially benefit from representation of those in the private sector. When making recommendations for the coalition, inclusivity must be a top priority. We discussed an "Inclusivity Check" (more on that below).
You may view the meeting slides here.
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