Hear shout-outs from the field!
| | | Happy Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week! | VPOST is celebrating Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week from April 25-29, 2022, to recognize, appreciate, and advocate for those who work with young people during out-of-school hours. All this week, we are featuring shoutouts from the field to lift up people that are the #heartofafterschool. We encourage you to join in the celebration using the tag #heartofafterschool on social media! |
We would be remiss to end Afterschool Appreciation Week without acknowledging and celebrating the guidance and dedication of the afterschool professionals on our Leadership Advisory Council. Thank you for your tireless dedication to working towards a Virginia where all youth have access to high-quality afterschool and summer learning programs. | | | Dr. Daryle Rodgers is the coordinator of Out-of-School Time & Extended Learning programs for Hampton City Schools. During his time in this role, the program has been awarded over $12 million in grant funding. He also serves as a mentor for the Virginia Department of Education, and is a member of the Leadership Advisory Council here at VPOST. Ross Grieve is the Owner and Executive Director of LeafSpring School and Camp Blue Sky, a preschool, after-school program, and summer day camp in Mechanicsville, VA. He is also the Vice President of the Board of Directors here at VPOST. Ragen Johnson is the Executive Director of Alternatives Inc. in Hampton, VA. As a former attendee of Alternatives Inc., Ragen's work dates all the way back to 2001. Her work encompasses early childhood programming and technical assistance, childhood obesity prevention, mindfulness, teen leadership groups, and curriculum development. She is also a member of the Leadership Advisory Council here at VPOST. | | | Michael Courtney is an Education Specialist, Title IV, Part A and 21st CCLC at the Virginia Department of Education. With a long background in early childhood education, Michael has been both an educator and a principal for elementary schools. He currently coordinates the state evaluation process provides programmatic, fiscal, and technical guidance to school divisions and community-based organizations. He is also the Chair of the Quality Improvement subcommittee within the Leadership Advisory Council here at VPOST. Dr. Mark Emery is an Administrator for After-School Programs for Fairfax County Public Schools. He currently oversees the development and implementation of after-school programs in 27 middle schools. He is also a member of the Board of Directors here at VPOST. Jonathan Melendez is the Prevention Coordination Specialist for Fairfax County's Department of Neighborhood and Community Services. His focus is with Youth and Teens in out-of-school time programs. He is also a member the Leadership Advisory Council here at VPOST. | | | Marsha Granderson is the ESEA Title IV coordinator at the Virginia Department of Education. She manages 21st CCLC grants statewide that support opportunities for academic enrichment during non-school hours for children, particularly those who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools. She is also a member of the Board of Directors here at VPOST. Barbara Couto Sipe is the President and CEO of NextUp. For over 19 years, she has developed several large-scale collective initiatives to improve the lives of children, youth, and older adults. She is also a member of the Leadership Advisory Council here at VPOST. Brent Holsinger is the Founder and President of On the Road Collaborative, a youth empowerment nonprofit organization in Harrisonburg, VA. He has a background as an educator and administrator for City Year, Citizen Schools, and 21st Century Community Learning Centers. Brent is also the Chair of the Policy Development subcommittee in the Leadership Advisory Council here at VPOST. | | |
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