Hear shout-outs from the field!
| | | Happy Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week! | VPOST is celebrating Afterschool Professionals Appreciation Week on April 25-29, 2022, to recognize, appreciate, and advocate for those who work with young people during out-of-school hours. All this week, we are featuring shoutouts from the field to lift up people that are the #heartofafterschool. We encourage you to join in the celebration using the tag #heartofafterschool on social media! |
| "Amber has worked at Youth Life Foundation's After-School Program for 8 years and has impacted countless students at our Delmont Learning Center. As a certified teacher, she is able to offer targeted and truly helpful reading and math intervention for each student, as well as a constant kindness, a listening ear, and abounding love and support for every child who walks through her doors. There are some people who just clearly are supposed to be teachers. Amber is one of those people. Through all of the ups and downs of working with these students, Amber is enduring, safe, gentle, generous with her time and heart, and somehow joyful even in the hardest times. We love you, Amber!" | | | "Hannah is our co-applicant [on our 21st CCLC Grant] from the Virginia [4-H] Extension Office. She works with our students 2x/week during the school year and several days during the summer. Our kids have learned many skills such as archery, cooking, and photography because of her. [She has provided] lots of new experiences for our youth." | | | "We appreciate Jeanine Turner at NextUp because she comes to work ready to take on any challenge! As Director of Programs, Jeanine ensures that youth and program providers have access to everything they need to succeed in out-of-school time. Thank you for being the unsung shero for NextUp! Student participants may not know your name, but you are an integral part of why they can access quality afterschool programs every week." | | | "Romell not only teaches our Richmond Public Middle School Students the importance of cooking and baking from scratch, but he is also a huge role model to our African American Male Students. Romell is extremely relatable to them, understanding and working in the communities his students grow in. Romell takes time out of his personal schedule to watch some of the students' virtual basketball games and to them share pointers on improving their game but also encourage them to keep giving their best." | | | "These ladies and their teams work tirelessly for our students to provide them with academic support and enrichment both before and after school. Their support for our students is boundless." | |
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