Subject: Celebrating STEM and Black History Month in your Million Girls Moonshot Monday News!

As January closes out and we look to Feburary, VPOST has resources for you to celebrate the role of African Americans in STEM and Engineering week!

Celebrating Black History Month

Check out this piece, Celebrating Black Women Creating Her-Story in STEM Careers in VPM (Richmond PBS/NPR affiliate) from VPOST's Christine Jones Monaccio highlighting resources for celebrating Black Women in STEM.

More Resources

  • The Black Girls Create Project: A Pilot Culturally Responsive Informal STEM Learning ProgramThis article shares the results of a program model that encourages (1) the use of social history (i.e., learning about Black women's contributions to STEM), (2) culturally responsive instruction (i.e., anchoring STEM learning within the cultural context of girls’ lives), (3) mentorship from young, diverse scientific role models, and (4) the development of transferable STEM skills through design and digital fabrication.

  • Women of Color in STEM: The Past, Present, and Future: Learn about women who were groundbreakers in STEM, organizations that support women in STEM and are approachable by educators, conferences, and a description of the educational path to STEM. 

  • 50 Black Women in STEM You Should Know About:  Learn about 50 amazing women who are role models for success in STEM.  Photos, biographies, and links to additional information can be found here.

Talk Technology with Verizon Employees 

January 30th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm


Give your students real-world applications of STEM with a LIVE talk with STEM professionals. 

With your students, tune into this live webinar, to learn more about the day-to-day from professionals working at a leading global communications technology company. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions. 

Register Here

Feburary 18-24, 2024 is Engineering Week! This year’s theme “Welcome to the Future” is about celebrating today’s achievements and paving the way for a brighter and more diverse future in engineering. 

During Engineers Week, celebrate with these resources from Discover-E:

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