Subject: Broadband Access and Afterschool Programs in Virginia

The Results of the VA OST Broadband Access Survey Are In!

We asked about broadband access in Virginia Out-of-School Time Programs and you answered! Congrats to Lisa Miller for winning the $150 Amazon gift card raffle and a giant thank you to all that completed the survey. You have helped us gather useful information from the field. As a result, we have data to share with you!

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Bottom Line

Overall, access to high-speed broadband has clearly been a tremendous challenge for OST programs, regardless of the type or location, and has negatively impacted their ability to meet the needs of their youth and families.

Next Steps

Even as we enter into pandemic recovery, we expect that broadband access will remain a very important issue for the field. VPOST is committed to including broadband access in our policy work moving forward. We have joined the Commonwealth Connect Coalition, which is comprised of more than 100 cross-sector companies and organizations that recognize the importance of broadband access for all Virginians. The coalition supports meaningful funding for the Virginia Telecommunication Initiative (VATI) and the goal of universal broadband coverage across Virginia set forth by Governor Northam in July 2018. As part of the VPOST Leadership Advisory Council, Brent Holsinger, White-Riley-Peterson Fellow, will be creating a "How To Guide" in the coming months that will share relevant information and strategies for how you can advocate for broadband access in your community. 


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