Subject: Action Needed for Afterschool Funding in Virginia!

Recently, we have asked for your support in reaching out to your local legislator in support of a budget proposal that would make a $4 million state investment in afterschool programs. We thank you for using your voice for the children and families of Virginia!

We have unfortunately hit a roadblock with our first attempt. But, good news! We have a second chance at getting more funding for afterschool and we need your help!

Please take a few minutes to e-mail key legislators and ask them to support this funding initiative. If passed, it would fund 15 additional community-based programs and provide support for professional development, meeting licensure requirement, and best practices.

Please click the button below to be taken to the VPOST Action Alert. Here you will simply plug in your name and address which will automatically create a pre-written letter, that you can customize, and it will send straight to key legislators!  

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