Subject: VPHi: extraordinary General Assembly 20 August 2024 from 11 to 12 CET - statutory change approval

Dear VPHi members,
we would like to invite to an extraordinary General Assembly meeting, that will be held on line on the 20th of August 2024 from 11 to 12 CET.

The meeting has the goal to approve the new version of the statute that has been put together to both respond to some Belgian legal requirements, but also to sightly re-define the structure of our organisation. 
Please note that these decisions (such as any changes of the statute) must be voted by the full majority of the entire members.

If we don’t reach this quorum at the initial general assembly, we can further vote on this during the GA meeting which will take place at the VPH2024 conference (5 Sept 2024 from 16.30 t0 18 CET) where this decision can be taken by the simple majority of the present members.

Please find here the link to connect to the meeting:

The agenda will include the following 2 items:
  • Approval of statutory changes (please download the statute here)
  • Installation of the executive council

We look forward to seeing you on the 20th of August.
In the meantime, we take the chance to wish you a relaxing Summer break.
Best regards

Virtual Physiological Human Institute for Integrative Biomedical Research (VPH Institute)

Celestijnenlaan 300C, 3001, Heverlee, Belgium
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