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Subject: VPH Newsletter: March 2021
1st Triple Helix expertise exchange workshop on modeling drug-device interaction
On April 30th, 3-5pm, VPHi is organizing its first triple helix expertise exchange workshop. A triple helix format refers to the active participation of academia, regulators and industry. Regulatory science related to in silico technologies is receiving more and more attention. Testimony to this are the ASME V&V40 standard for medical devices and the collaborative work ongoing to establish guidelines for the use of in silico models (beyond the pharmacometrics models) in the drug development context.
In this workshop, the focus is on in silico models of drug-device combinations. Several speakers from academia and industry will present the work they are doing in this space. Regulators will subsequently present the regulatory perspective on the evaluation of drug-device combinations and the open questions related to the credibility establishment of the in silico models. At the end of the workshop, a discussion between the presenters and participants will address these questions and identify additional challenges.
We hope to welcome you to this interactive workshop and that you will share with us your inputs and perspectives!
Agreement on InvestEU Funding Programme
European Parliament officially endorsed the agreement on the InvestEU funding programme for strategic and innovative investment
Work Programme 2021 of the European Research Council (ERC)
The ERC Work Programme for 2021 includes three main calls for proposals for frontier research actions for a total amount of €1.9 billion
Priorities contained in European Commission's management plans for 2021
An overview - by AA Secretariat member Renée Frijns - of the objectives and activities planned by the different Directorates-General (DGs) of the European Commission, which are outlined in the Commission’s Management Plans for 2021.
C4BIO video
In this video our Executive Director Liesbet Geris and the C4Bio chair Nele Famaey explain the purpose of C4bio
New VPHi collaborators
The VPHi structure grows and evolves to better address all the projects in which it is involved: here are the two new collaborators.
In silico tool for predicting resilience in women diagnosed with breast cancer
The BOUNCE project presents its latest deliverable showcasing the use of in silico modeling in personalized cancer treatments
SimCardio Test project
VPHi participates in the this project, whose main objective is to demonstrate the feasibility, efficacy and benefits of in silico trials of drugs and cardiological devices.
InSilc workshop recording
On March 5th 2021, the InSilc project hosted a workshop on In Silico Clinical Trials Concepts and Adoption.
A full recording of the event is now available.
MDIC seeks input on 5-year computational modeling & simulation roadmap
If you would like to provide input on the revised CM&S strategic roadmap, please fill out the new survey
In the literature
Here are three interesting recently published papers from our community.
Have you already renewed your VPHi membership for 2021?
We are really excited to have already a number of interesting initiatives and benefits in plan for the new year.
VPH Barcellona Summer School
The 5th VPH Summer School will focus on Tackling Complexity in Health & Medicine
VPHi best poster award
All VPHi student members bringing a poster to the VPH Summer School will be considered for the VPHi Best Poster Award that consists in a 350€ grant for the participation to scientific conferences or workshop in 2020
2021 Best VPHi Thesis Award in In silico Medicine
Application deadline extended to 30 April 2021
2021 Best VPHi InSilicoTrials Thesis Award in In Silico Medicine with application in industrial R&D
Application deadline extended to 30 April 2021
ASME virtual workshop
7 April 2021 1pm CEST
Assessing Credibility of Computational Modeling and Simulation Results through Verification and Validation: Application to Medical Devices - Register now!
ESB webinar
22 April 5pm CEST
Basics of agent-based computer modeling for clinically-related applications" - register for the webinar.
European Research and Innovation Days
23-24 June 2021 - Subscribe to receive updates on the European Research and Innovation Days 2021 event.
CMBBE 2021 Symposium
7–9 September 2021 Bonn, Germany
The 17th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering and the 5th Conference on Imaging and Visualization
VPH 2022 Conference
We are happy to announce that the VPH2022 conference will take place in Porto - Portugal from the 6th to 9th of September 2022.
The VPH2022 conference will focus on: "Virtual bodies for treatment development and clinical trials".
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"The Virtual Physiological Human will revolutionise the way health knowledge is produced stored and managed as well as the way in which healthcare is currently delivered."
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VPH Newsletter: March 2021
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