Subject: VolunteerCONNECTION - September 2022

Updates and announcements for the volunteer community.

A Story of Connection

Recovery Month Connections

Because September is National Recovery Month, we want to encourage you to attend a recovery month event in your local community and spread the word about how SMART helps those in recovery.

We would love to hear about the connections you made as a result! Please email us at: with your "story of connection" so we can share it in future issues of this newsletter.

Announcements & Reminders

Self Service Meeting Changes

Our new process for meeting registrations and changes went into effect August 22! If you missed the email that went out about this, you can view it HERE

Family & Friends SMART Meeting Management (F&F SMM)

We are happy to announce that we are adding a Family & Friends focused SMART Meeting Management meeting to the list of facilitator training and support meetings available to our volunteers. This SMM meeting for Family & Friends facilitators, or those interested in facilitating a Family & Friends meeting, will be held monthly on the 2nd Thursday at 12:00 p.m. ET.

New Men's Meeting in SROL

We are proud to announce that SROL now offers a Men's meeting. This effort aligns with the Strategic Plan initiative to emphasize equity in the organization by serving diverse populations; SROL now offers both Men's and Women's meetings.

The Men's meeting takes place on Monday's at 7:00 p.m. ET with Agpull100. We are grateful for our volunteers who made these meetings possible. 

SMART Recovery East Coast Conference

Registration for the 2022 East Coast Conference is filling up quickly. You don't want to miss this informative and impactful event. Reserve your spot today.

Upcoming Continuing
Educational Opportunities

Motivational Interviewing

Change!  How can we help our participants take those first steps toward change? Motivational Interviewing works by strengthening an individuals desire to change. How is your Motivational Interviewing technique?  Could you use a little refresher? Our next Motivational Interviewing Refresher course will be held on October 8th from 11:00 - 1:00 p.m. ET.

Topics will include:

  • Review of OARS and DEARS

  • Tips and suggestions for Change Talk

  • Why Reflective Listening is important

  • How to develop discrepancy

  • Practice!

  • Prerequisites: Completion of 201, 203 or 301

  • Cost: FREE

Registration will open September 24th and close October 1st

Training ID number OST20221008-MIOH

Facilitator Refresher

How long has it been since you were trained?  Would like a little brush up?  Please join us on November 5th from 11:00 to 1:30 p.m. ET for the Facilitator Refresher Course. 

Topics will include:

  • What is the Global Training Committee?

  • What are the things that are required for a SMART Recovery Meeting

  • How to you keep check-in's brief?

  • Dealing with difficult participants

  • What tools would you like to review?

  • Prerequisites: Completion of 201, 203 or 301

  • Cost: FREE

Registration will open October 15th and close October 22nd

Training ID number OST20221105-FROH

Facilitating a Teen Meeting

Do you run teen SMART Recovery meetings or are you wanting to start one? The SMART Recovery tools work great with teens with just a little knowledge of how teens think. The next Teen Add-on Training will be held December 3rd from 11:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET

Topics will include:

  • Focus on working with this age group

  • How to keep them coming back

  • Prerequisites: Completion of 201, 203 or 301

  • Cost: $40 per person

Registration will open November 19th and close November 26th

Training ID number OST20221203-TTOH

Payment needs to be made here:

This multi-purpose form has three sections to complete:

  1. About you, where you'll enter your name, email address and phone number

  2. About this payment, providing:

    1. Payment Type, "Select Other Payment"

    2. Additional details, use the Training ID number from above

  3. Pay here, where you'll enter your payment information.

Volunteers Opportunity

SMART Recovery Online (SROL)

Did you know you can volunteer for SMART Recovery from the comfort of your home? SMART Recovery Online (SROL) has many opportunities to get involved.

SROL offers meetings, discussion forums, and 24/7 chat which allows for a more flexible volunteering schedule.  

  • Meeting facilitator

  • Meeting helper

  • Chat volunteer

  • Message board volunteer

Helpful Hints

Monthly Q&A with Volunteer Support Department

The third Wednesday of each month at 12:00 p.m. ET, we hold a Q&A session with members of the Volunteer Support Department: Melina Gilbert, Director of Volunteers and Meetings, Molly Princic, SROL Support Manager, and Tim Burton, Volunteer Support Specialist. This is your opportunity to meet with the Volunteer Department face-to-face regularly.

The department members always leave these meetings feeling inspired. You may hear about what other volunteers have in the works and benefit from their questions or experience. Vice versa, you may have questions that are beneficial to others. This a chance for us to learn from each other and build connection.

No registration required. Join the meeting at its scheduled time.

Meetings of Interest for Volunteers

To see a full list of meetings and supports available for our volunteers, please check out the Facilitators Training and Support page.

Volunteer Recognition

SMART knows that it's our volunteers that create the biggest impact in the lives of those we serve, and we wanted a way to recognize the work you do. Started during Volunteer Month, we will continue to feature several of the volunteers you recognized through the Volunteer Recognition Program.

Caroline14 - SROL Message Board Liaison & Meeting Helper

Caroline14 is one of the people in the ‘background’ that is responsible for me being clean from all addictive behavior today. Her words in the forums are worth so so much when you are struggling to heal. Without her help I wouldn't have made it. 

Nikki Medina Rodriguez - Facilitator, Florida

I would like to recognize her effort and motivation to help our agency meet the recovery expectations for our clients. She has volunteered to allow our clients join her SR virtual meeting. She has been helpful and informative. I am looking forward to working with her on more projects as well!

Take 5 Spotlight

Get to Know the People Behind SMART

We’re always looking for ways to build and improve our relationship with you, our treasured volunteers. We’ve done a few things along those lines over the years that have helped, but this time we’ve decided to make it simple and quick by having team members answer a few questions (5, to be exact) about what they do. Maybe more importantly, why they do it. Read more about the Take 5 initiative.

Luke Frazier

Talk about the right place at the right time. When Luke Frazier, SMART’s Director of Marketing and Communications was sitting in a crowded coffee shop, he was overheard talking about the kind of communications work he was doing. A person who worked for SMART Recovery overheard, and SMART was looking for communications help at that time. The rest, as they say, is history. Luke says, “I wasn’t even planning to go to that coffee shop. My schedule changed and I ended up there.”  

Brad Glaser

For Brad Glaser, SMART’s Project Coordinator for Fletcher Group Grants, coming to work for SMART seems like a kind of natural progression, “I have been a participant in SMART Recovery going back nine years and became a facilitator in 2019. When this position with SMART became available, I was so excited to come to work for an organization that has meant so much to my life.”

Submit Your Group Donations
to SMART Recovery

Your group donations to SMART Recovery help empower millions worldwide with tools to recover from any substance or activity addiction.

SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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