Training Roleplay Meetings FAST Forward: GET SMART FAST "training" meetings are held twice a month. While these meetings are primarily for those who are currently in training or who have recently completed training, we welcome all facilitators to come and be part of them. The meetings are divided into two parts, starting out with "SMART Recovery in Action", being an interactive role-play where a scenario is presented for discussion and participants apply SMART Recovery tools. The focus of the role-play is on how you'll utilize the SMART tools and apply what you’ve learned to help and support the person presenting the issue.
After the role-play exercise, the remaining portion of the meeting will focus on "Leading an Authoritative SMART Recovery Meeting", being an open discussion and Q&A session where we'll discuss and address any questions and concerns you may have in moving forward with your SMART meeting plans.
The meetings are held on the first Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. ET and the third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. ET each month. To join us in a meeting, at the scheduled date and time please go to |