Subject: VolunteerCONNECTION - February 2022

Updates and announcements for the volunteer community.

Announcements & Reminders

For SROL Volunteers

The Medical and Mental Health Professionals in Recovery (MMHP) meeting is now held weekly.

Mark your calendar! The next event is coming up for SROL Volunteers:

  • Saturday, March 19th from 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET - SROL Meet-Up

  • We will share the link in the Volunteer Working Forum and in an email.

  • We look forward to seeing you!

SMART is Hiring

Are you or someone you know looking for a new job opportunity? SMART is hiring a SMART Recovery Online (SROL) Support Assistant.

This full-time position will perform a variety of tasks to provide support to managers, SROL volunteers, and SMART Recovery Online participants with exemplary customer service.

Some of the primary responsibilities include:

  • Assist with resetting passwords and username changes for Online Community participants.

  • Provide access to specialized forums for our Online Community participants as requested.

  • Assist participants/treatment centers with multiple account warnings.

Some of the skills required are:

  • Well versed in the organizational and software tools that are an integral part of the Microsoft Office Suite, including but not limited to Word, Excel, Outlook, SharePoint, and Teams.

  • Knowledge of or ability to learn additional platforms such as: Vbulletin, WordPress, etc.

  • Excellent verbal, written, and communication skills.

This position requires U.S. residency. This person must also have already completed the SMART Recovery Training.

You're Invited to the

Personality Type & Addiction Study Webinar

Paul Tieger is the Founder and CEO of Speed Reading People, LLC and an international expert on personality psychology. He currently is the lead researcher for the SMART De-Stress RX Study, which seeks to determine the connection between personality type and addiction issues. In this podcast, he talks about why personality trumps all other factors, developing the De-Stress RX personality test, joining the webinar, and more.

The New SMART Recovery Mobile App is Now LIVE!

SMART Recovery is excited to announce that the SMART Recovery Mobile App is now available for free download for Apple and Android phones everywhere.

Our designers, programmers, coders and UX team integrated everything they learned from our volunteers and beta testers to create a mobile app that’s easy to use by anyone, at any stage of their SMART Recovery journey.

Download it today and try for yourself.

Helpful Hints

Indigenous Google group

Indigenous Communities are wildly underserved with a history of discrimination, poverty, high unemployment rates, and limited access to healthcare due to a lack of health insurance. Those factors lead to increased risks for many health conditions, mental illnesses, and addictions.1 

Findings from the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) include:  

  • 10% of Native Americans have a substance use disorder.  

  • 7.1% of Native Americans have an alcohol use disorder.  

  • Native Americans are more likely to report drug abuse in the past month
    (17.4%) or year (28.5%) than any other ethnic group2  

We have a Google Group dedicated specifically to Indigenous Communities as a place to share any related work, research, or developments, in order to spread awareness of the need to support this community. Please email to request access.

  1. Michael Kaliszewski, P. D. L. U. J. 7. (2022, January 7). Substance Abuse Statistics for Native Americans. American Addiction Centers. Retrieved February 10, 2022, from    

  2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2019). 
    2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health Detailed Tables.

Alternative Hosts in SROL

If you are a SROL Facilitator, we encourage you to add alternate hosts to your Zoom meeting. This means if you are unable to facilitate the meeting, one of your alternate hosts can cover for that week without having to cancel.

To add an alternate host or make meeting changes, please email with the meeting information, change being made, and/or alternative host's contact information.

January Recap

Visit SMART by the Numbers in VolunteerHQ to see our monthly report on training, meetings and volunteers. 

Meetings of Interest for Volunteers

SMART 4 Volunteers (S4V)

SMART 4 VOLUNTEERS (S4V) is a private SMART Recovery meeting for our volunteers.  While volunteering, people need to take time to focus on themselves. We offer a place where you can focus on your own wellbeing and recovery, with the security of being supported by your peers. This meeting has a different purpose than the SMART Meeting Management (SMM) meetings. 


This group meets on Wednesdays from 5:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m. ET. and is facilitated by Jasper2016. 

SMART Meeting Management (SMM) Meetings

If you are interested in furthering your meeting management skills or more smoothly handling challenges you might encounter while facilitating your meeting, this is the meeting for you!


The SMART Meeting Management (SMM) meetings are every:

  • Monday: 10:00 p.m. ET

  • Wednesday: 8:00 p.m. ET

  • Friday: 6:00 p.m. ET


(NOTE: Zoom links for these meetings are behind the VHQ login or on SMARTCAL.)

SHARE Your Ideas With Us

We need your help! We are lining up content for the rest of 2022 and don’t just want to create it on our own. We’d love your thoughts, ideas, and inspirations about what we should cover in our blogs, podcasts, videos, etc.

For example, we received a great suggestion for a podcast guest this month and another suggestion for a future podcast topic to do in April (the roles of LC’s, RC’s, and what it means to have a team approach). Your voice is heard.  So check out the list of themes for the upcoming months and put your thinking caps on…we’d really appreciate your input.

Join the SMART Insiders+ Program

When you sign up for the SMART Insiders+ Program, your support goes right to work helping people everywhere recover and thrive. You'll also receive an exclusive Insiders+ welcome package, certificate of enrollment, free access to cutting-edge news, videos, podcasts, interviews, and much, much more!

Become more engaged. Be part of the solution. Join today!

Text INSIDERS to 41444

Submit Your Group Donations
to SMART Recovery

Your group donations to SMART Recovery help empower millions worldwide with tools to recover from any substance or activity addiction.

SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Stay Connected


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SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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