Subject: Volunteer Month Starts Today!

Helping volunteers #StayConnected

Welcome to Volunteer Month 2022!

Thank You to Our Volunteers

To kick off this year's national Volunteer Month celebration, we want to say THANK YOU so much for your dedication and contributions to SMART Recovery through your volunteer work.

As part of our volunteer month celebration, we wanted to hear from you about your experiences and the connections you have made as a SMART Recovery volunteer. Please enjoy this video that includes some of the responses we received.

Join Us for Volunteer Month Activities

We have an exciting month planned that celebrates and recognizes your efforts as dedicated volunteers, raises funds and gathers applications for the SMART Recovery Training Fund, as well as showcases the many ways we are working to better support you in growing SMART's presence in your local community. Read about some of our planned activities below.

April: Calendar of Events

Please help us to celebrate Volunteer Month by participating in the following activities and events:

  • Fundraising to support the scholarship fund: April 1–15 (Donate Now)

  • Get SMART Fast Training Role Play Meeting: Tuesday, April 5, 2 p.m. ET - Open to any trainee who has completed segment 8 or above of the facilitator training

  • Facilitating a Teen Meeting Training: Saturday, April 9, 11 a.m. ET - Only 2 Spots Left! (Registration closes April 4)

  • Q&A Session with Volunteer Department: Tuesday, April 12, 6 p.m. ET - Open to anyone interested in becoming a volunteer (Register)

  • Fast Forward: Q&A Lunch & Learn: Wednesday, April 13, 12 p.m. ET  - Open to trainees in segments 1-8 of the training program

  • Scholarship applications accepted: April 16–30

  • Get SMART Fast Training Role Play: Thursday, April 21, 8 p.m. ET - Open to any trainee who has completed segment 8 or above in the facilitator training

  • Q&A Session with Volunteer Department: Tuesday, April 26, 3 p.m. ET - Open to current volunteers only (Register)

  • SMART Meeting Management (SMM) calls throughout the month

Scholarship Training Fund: Change a Life

Help us to grow our volunteer community!

We have a goal of raising $10,000 this month, which would cover the cost of 100 training scholarships! More individuals trained means more SMART Recovery meetings in communities around the country.

Help us spread SMART Recovery to more who need it. Donate to the Volunteer Month Scholarship Training Fund between now and April 15th.

Your contribution makes a significant impact in helping train future facilitators to empower those in recovery to live Life Beyond Addiction.

Three ways to help:

Recommend Someone in Your Community for SMART Recovery's Training Scholarship

Do you know someone who would make a great facilitator? Recommend them for a training scholarship. To qualify, the person must:

  • Be recommended by a current facilitator or SROL liaison

  • Plan to join an existing meeting as a co-facilitator

  • Intend to become an SROL volunteer or plan to start a new SMART Recovery meeting

  • Not be a professional that will start a closed meeting at their treatment center/facility

Applications will be gathered between April 16th - 30th, and selections for scholarship funds will be announced in early May.

Details on how to nominate someone will be shared in future emails.

SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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