The VIP Online Premiere of Authentics Will Begin Soon!
Join us today, Thursday, November 21 beginning at 12 p.m. ET, through Sunday, November 24 for early VIP access to view the film.
We will reopen the film permanently for our global community in early December. Stay tuned!
A Couple Important Reminders...
Participate in Our Fall Facebook FRIENDraiser
As a member of the SMART Recovery community, we know that many of you are passionate about SMART’s mission – helping millions of people with addiction and their family & friends find the self-empowering, science-based messages and support that helps them lead a life beyond addiction. Over the next two weeks, we are asking you to host a Facebook FRIENDraiser to help us raise friends (and funds) for SMART Recovery, and to spread the word about SMART to more people who need it. Click here to learn more.
Check Out Inside SMART Recovery – November Issue
Did you receive last week's issue of Inside SMART? It had several important announcements, including a new Volunteer Outreach Coordinator for our volunteer community, a new SMART Recovery InsideOut® publication, 25-in-25 volunteer recognition feature articles, and much more. Click here to view this month's e-newsletter created especially for our volunteers.
SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.