Subject: Happy Thanksgiving from SMART Recovery

We are grateful for you being part of our community

Dear SMART Community,

On this Thanksgiving Eve, I am filled with gratitude for the work that each of you does to support one another. Simply put, you all are SMART Recovery. You show up and passionately advocate for one another every day. It’s inspirational!

Your efforts help so many to live healthy and balanced lives beyond addiction. From our meeting facilitators who consistently give of their time, to our National Office team that strives to provide a stable foundation of support to our volunteers, to the many volunteer Board leaders, Regional Coordinators, and SROL Liaison teams...we have thousands of individuals to be grateful for today and every day.

Thank you for your passion for SMART Recovery. I wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!


With appreciation,

Christi Alicea

Acting Executive Director

SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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