Subject: [Visionista's Gateway] We missed you, Friend! See you next time?

Hi Friend,
Thanks again for registering for The Visionista's Gateway.
I missed you in today's workshop. We had a warm, international, visionary group.

I shared the four phases of the creative process and the barriers we all face in each phase. And our lovely participants had 90 minutes to clarify and share their dreams, visions and what's standing in their way.

I was touched after today's session when one participant emailed me:

"As you broke things down bit by bit, it made me see a clearer path
as to what is truly standing in my way of achieving my goals."

And for you...

There was something that called you to this workshop. If that is still alive for you, you have two ways to answer that call:

1. Attend the next free training.

If you would still like to attend The Visionista's Gateway, I will offer it again next week. 

Thursday, March 25th at 1:00 PM Eastern | 17:00 GMT.

2. Schedule a complimentary consultation.

If you're clear about your big vision project and what you read on the Visionista's Gateway webpage speaks to you, you are welcome to schedule time in my calendar to to talk about your vision, your creative process, your barriers, and how the work I do can help you get it done.
Here’s to the Visionista in you,
Katherine Robertson-Pilling is a creative (r)evolutionary. She believes that creating what you long for is the path to personal meaning and global impact. She is a content creator, author, speaker and international transformational coach. Using her proprietary framework – The Wheel of Creativity® – she helps blocked creative achievers start and complete their big vision projects, those lifelong dreams that are just too risky to attempt on your own. 
Art & Soul Productions LLC, P.O. Box 2248, Boulder, CO 80306, United States
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