Don't reinvest the wheel. Do what's working for your competitors
Imagine if you could spy on the top youtube channels and twitter accounts. And find out exactly what they are doing to bring in subscribers, fans and traffic.
Wouldn't that be cool?
All you have to do is simply copy-paste what they're doing...
...easily replicate their strategy and you are good to go.
SpyTrack automates all of this. Simply enter your competitors details and it'll start showing you everything they're doing to get traffic.
It tracks url’s, hashtags, keywords, mentions, accounts in real time on youtube and twitter.
But the trackers it creates are live and in real time.
So you can monitor your posts and c0mpare against your competitors and change your social campaign on the fly. Optimise for content strategy, growth and engagement.
SpyTrack gives you live active data about your competitors that includes:
- Optimal hashtags - Optimal post times - Best day to post - Best keywords + tags to use - See what influencers are posting - Live tracking of trends - Topic comparison - Engagement
I’m going to give you an edge over everyone else who picks up SpyTrack today. I’m going to get' you 'access to my Social Mark'eting Apps b0nus kit to help you actually start making m0ney using SpyTrack unlike others. Her'e’s what you get:
1) WebPage Builder App (Client Usage Acc'ess) This particular application can help you create a web page by dragging and dropping the desired page components onto the working area and editing the fields as you consider fit. The major ad'vantage is that you don't have to have any prior coding knowledge to use it.
2) Youtube Keyword Fire (Client Usage Acc'ess) Youtube Keyword Fire helps you to discover the hottest and most searched keyword term's for video ma'rketing and creating Youtube ad's. This tool will show you exactly what people are searching for on Youtube right now allowin'g you to drill down to the most target'ed prospects in your niche.
3) Email Surge (Whitelabel License) Use GIF, ad'd cl'ickable "c'all to acti0ns" and countdown directly inside your emails with this powerful tool! Watch your email cl'icks grow while your subscrib'ers take acti0n on the messages that you send.
4) SEO Master Tools (Whitelabel License) 5) Social Vids (Resellers License) SocialVids will solve all of your issues with video editing, graphics, encoding software and more! It will give you a quick way to edit and make videos more engaging.
6) Social Lead's (Resellers License) Social Media Mark'eting is a staple for any business and has been a focus for brand monitoring and management for larger organisations. Social Lead's has created a big boy tool for the little guys that shifts the ma'rketing focus from brand monitoring to generating sale's lead's to fill the gap.
7) Social Snips (Resellers License) How would to st0p building other people's businesses and just build your own when you share content? Think of this every time you share a piece of content even if it doesn't belong to you...you get' to control everything that the visitor does.
8) Social Canvas Studio (Resellers License) Presenting the latest Graphic Application to create and design various kinds of promotional banners to various social media that will help make your content viral.
9) Video Blogger (Resellers License) Plugins that will help you get the best SEO results on your wordpress site. The plugin is an advanced video tool that will help you rank your videos and sites better than ever before.
10) WP Video Slide Page (Whitelabel license) With this one plugin you will enhance the user engagement of your YouTube videos and increase your mailing list. Show each visitor what matters first-The video. Then slide in your autoresponder mailing list option
11) CurationNeos Web App (Life'time Acc'ess) CurationNeos allows you to turn other people’s red-hot content into your own unique, traffic- magnet content in seconds!
OTO Only B0nuses:
12) 123 Logo Kit (Resellers license) 123 Logo Kit gives you instant 'access to 38 eye- popping, read'y- mad'e logos that you can use f0r y0ur products or businesses. Just choose a logo, customize and you are good to go!
13) SocialNeos Auto Video Theme (Whitelabel license) It lets us build unl'imited beautiful viral, content-rich, self-updating video blogs in any niche using the intelligent neos theme...and all on auto-pilot, without ever creating a single video.
14) WP Fast Tube Plugin PRO (Resellers license) Fast way to insert videos from YouTube right into your WordPress blog posts or pages. It gives quality content which includes articles, images and especially videos. According to the statisitcs, visitors stay longer to your website if you 0ffer them videos to watch.
Pick Up SpyTrack with my Social Mark'eting Apps b0nus kit and disc0unt:
Ther'e’s also an OTO c'alled Agency for 47 bucks. Agency gives you commercial usage and agency rights plus ad'ditional new features.
Got questions? Emails me back and I’ll help you out personally.
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