Subject: Create Animated Images, Videos Ads & More - $10 WEEKEND OFF

Create Animated Images, Videos Ads & More - $10 WEEKEND OFF

September 29th, 2018 at 9:00 am EDT

Create 100s of Animates Images, Video Ads, Banner Ads, GIFs, HTML5 Ads More Using Templates. Creating videos and animates images etc design yourself is tiring, time taking, boring and a very tedious task... ...But what if you could save $10 on an ap ...

Create & Share 100s of Product Review eBooks Easily

September 28th, 2018 at 10:55 am EDT

Create 100s of Product Review eBooks PDFs with your affiliate link aut0matically. If you go to any blog, you’ll see that they all always giveaway ebooks. And if you ever read those ebooks, you’ll find they’re full of affiliate links to other pr ...

UNLIMITED Images on Instagram & FREE traffic (agency license)

September 27th, 2018 at 6:00 pm EDT

Aut0matically Post on Instagram and even start an Instagram Marketing Agency! Instagram has 1.1 billion active users as on September 2018. That’s a LOT of traffic, in every single niche that you can easily be getting for your pages and your clients ...

9th Oct - SpyCom - Review Access, SalesPage Preview, Bonuses & More

September 27th, 2018 at 2:00 pm EDT

Hey guys… Super excited to be brining SpyCom out to the world on 9th October @ 11am EDT. Please mark this date down. Going to be an easy 4-5 figure commission day for you. JV Page https://www.SpyCom/jv I’ll be reaching out to you all personally o ...

Create UNLIMITED Videos Using 300+ Templates.

September 27th, 2018 at 11:00 am EDT

Create UNLIMITED Videos Using Over 300 Fully Customisable Templates. Creating video is not easy… …and very time taking, creative work! Not fun if you need to create 100s of videos for your marketing quickly. Now imagine if you could copy content ...

Alexa, Google Home & Siri...heard of them Friend?

September 26th, 2018 at 6:00 pm EDT

1 BILLION users are using Alexa, Google Home Siri to search for things using VOICE search. And you can be ranking for those search terms easily… ...getting a piece of that 1 billion users traffic. All you need to do is optimise your websites and vi ...

Rank Your Sites For Voice Search Easily Using This ✌

September 26th, 2018 at 10:55 am EDT

You can tap into 1 BILLION free traffic by doing Voice Search SEO that no one is doing. Everyone has a smartphone now… …and all these smartphones have the ability to search your queries using voice. About 1 BILLION active users are searching onl ...

Add Clickable links, Optin Forms & CTAs On ANY Video (last few hours)

September 25th, 2018 at 6:00 pm EDT

CLOSING DAY TODAYAdding CTA directly on the video helps increase conversions by 20X. This means, you can get more traffic, right from inside the videos. You see, even if you create a stunning video that looks and sounds great, it’s kind of useless ...

I hope you don't miss this...HUGE change tomorrow

September 25th, 2018 at 11:00 am EDT

CLOSING TONIGHT Last chance to save your videos from YouTube's big change. That's right... ...starting midnight tonight, YouTube's big change into your embed videos is going to come into effe'ct... ...and its going to ef'fect your videos and your vid ...

Friend Create 100s of Marketing & Ad Videos using Templates ♫♫

September 24th, 2018 at 6:00 pm EDT

Videos are dead! ...Unless you're creating the right kind of videos. You need to be creating the industry proven short videos that grab viewers attention when they're trying to scroll away. My app VideoReel lets you create 100s of short animated mar ...