Subject: Create and send UNLIMITED emails from cloud based autoresponder!

Create and send UNLIMITED emails from cloud based autoresponder!

September 21st, 2018 at 10:56 am EDT

Create and send UNLIMITED emails from cloud based autoresponder! Most autoresponders online charge a monthly fee… …and others that don’t are SLOW and buggy mostly. And the worst part, ALL these autoresponders will: – plain out refuses to le ...

Create Videos Using 300 Customisable Templates.

September 20th, 2018 at 6:00 pm EDT

Create 100s of videos easily using 300 full customisable templates. Creating video is tough… …and time taking… …and you need to pour in your creative energy. Not fun if you need to create 100s of videos for your marketing. Now imagine if yo ...

How to 6X Your Leads & Sales Using “Urgency”

September 20th, 2018 at 9:00 am EDT

What if I told you, you could get 6X more leads sales right now…without doing much! My point being, if you’re making 10 sales everyday, you could be doing 60 sales from now on, with the same amount of traffic and without doing much. All you need ...

Autoplay problem fixed & now add your CTA’s on ANY Video.

September 19th, 2018 at 5:55 pm EDT

Imagine if you could put your optin code or buy button on ANY video… There are two major problems that are stopping you from getting results from your videos. 1) Google Chrome browser stops videos from auto-playing (SOLVED) 2) YouTube cutting down ...

Add Clickable links, Optin Forms & More On ANY Video.

September 19th, 2018 at 10:56 am EDT

Adding CTA directly on the video helps increase conversions by 20X. This means, you can get more traffic, right from inside the videos. You see, even if you create a stunning video that looks and sounds great, it’s kind of useless if no one clicks ...

HiJack Popular YouTube Videos & “Steal” all their traffic Friend

September 18th, 2018 at 6:00 pm EDT

Sounds a bit notorious, doesn’t it? But it’s 100% Legal… Imagine if you could find all those popular and trending videos that are getting millions of views each week but they have an expired link in their descriptions… …and what if YOU cou ...

Get 1000s of FREE Views & Traffic on Your Videos

September 18th, 2018 at 10:57 am EDT

Video SEO Suck? Here’s how you can steal others video traffic legally. You see, YouTube sends a LOT of free and organic traffic to it’s top videos all the time. Imagine if you could get all that organic and free traffic other video publishers are ...

Traffic Magnet Smart Funnels - 100s of them readymade

September 17th, 2018 at 6:00 pm EDT

Traditional squeeze pages ARE NOT working anymore! That's because they're overused by everyone. But there's something very smart that pros are doing... ...and that's creating smart quiz funnels. These funnels and pages are more smarter, more engaging ...

Using Quiz Funnels - ReadyMade For You Using an App

September 17th, 2018 at 11:00 am EDT

Pretty much ALL the big brands are using the Quiz Funnels to generate leads! Unlike traditional squeeze pages and funnels... ...quiz funnels are fun for your visitors to fill up, they get instant gratification from them and willingly opt-in and make ...

Done For You Smart Quiz Funnelz likes Pros Create

September 16th, 2018 at 6:00 pm EDT

Let’s face it… Traditional squeeze pages ARE NOT working anymore! Neither are the ‘2-step’ squeeze pages that are overused… What you need to use is something more smarter, more engaging...something that works! A brand new, under-the-radar ...