Subject: [JV with Abhi] Winners, DDOS & Day #2 Leaderboard

[JV with Abhi] Winners, DDOS & Day #2 Leaderboard

April 27th, 2016 at 11:30 am EDT

Hey guys… So far, there has been no stopping since yesterday. The conversions are still at 25% and over $9 funnel EPCs. FE is still converting upto 27% and OTOs are selling like cracks…25% and 30 sales from an affiliate in last 12 hours without e ...

[JV with Abhi] $500 CONTEST - Day#1 Leaderboard for SEONeos

April 26th, 2016 at 11:16 am EDT

Hey guys… SEONeos has been converting like crazy and there’s been no stopping… Here’s what some of our partners are saying: $500 MAX Sales Contest today: Anyone who ...

[JV with Abhi] 31.30% & $12.74 EPC…you in?

April 25th, 2016 at 12:16 pm EDT

Hey guys… It’s been only 1 hour since we went live with SEONeos and have done a little over 350 sales and the conversions are 31.30% with $12.74 funnel EPC. Get your mails out. Early birds ends at 2pm EST. Coupon: SAVE10 will give 10% discount af ...

Re: Admob Apps Plan update

April 25th, 2016 at 11:00 am EDT

Hey Friend, In last 3 years of my apps business, my clients have often asked me if we can also create games for them. And always, we have told them that our simple yet amazing info-apps will generally make them more money. BUT today, after months o ...

[EARLY BIRDS] SEONeos is live - Your Discount inside!

April 25th, 2016 at 11:00 am EDT

Hey, SEONeos just went live. Here's you early birds discountlink: What is SEONeos? SEONeos is an app Cyril and I have been working on for over a year now and have been successfully using it in our businesses for some times. It ...

[JV with Abhi] SEONeos is live…get your mails out!

April 25th, 2016 at 11:00 am EDT

Hey guys… SEONeos just went live and we are killin’ it. Grab your links and bonus page and get you mails out. JV Page: JVZoo Affiliate Link: Bonus page builder: http://SEOneos. ...

[JV with Abhi] SEONeos goes live in 4 hours…ready?

April 25th, 2016 at 7:00 am EDT

Hey guys, SEONeos goes live today at 11:00am EST NY…in about 4 hours from now. Here’s everything you need: JV Page: JVZoo Affiliate Link: Bonus page builder: ...

[JV with Abhi] SEONeos, live in 24 hours

April 24th, 2016 at 12:00 pm EDT

Hey guys… We are super pumped up for our SEONeos launch happening tomorrow, 25th April @ 11:00am EST…in less than 24 hours from now. Sales copy is look sexy and this bad boy is going to convert like nuts as always. Here’s everything you need fo ...

Re: Admob Payment

April 19th, 2016 at 11:00 am EDT

Hey Friend, You app store would be ready in less than60 days. Our clients are doing $1000+ everymonth on autopilot with Apps and Admob. 1 app = $1 - $10 a month1000 apps = average $1000+ a month and more's not easy to build 100s of apps on ...

[JV with Abhi] SEONeos on 25th April - Must have SEO app for everyone!

April 18th, 2016 at 11:00 am EDT

Hey, Back in February we launched TrafficFresh that absolutely changed the way people are doing content marketing. We paid out of $60,000 in commission and more in prizes in just 5 days of our launch. Now Cyril ‘JEET’ Gupta and I have been workin ...