Subject: I hired 8 people last week to build apps

I hired 8 people last week to build apps

October 2nd, 2014 at 12:00 pm EDT

Hey Friend, I told you I'm lazy and in all honestly, it's not easy to build 1000 apps on your own... I hired 8 people in my team and trainedthem the entire last week in building apps and App Store Optimisation. These guys are really good... Now ...

Skype equals more sales

October 1st, 2014 at 11:00 am EDT

Hey, Video marketing is the rage right now and you have probably seen several top selling video products this year. There is a good reason for this... Videos really are the most effective way of making sales, getting leads and building traffic. The p ...

$166k per year online “job”?

September 29th, 2014 at 11:22 am EDT

Hey, I read this last week and I simply couldn’t believe it. Listen to this — according to ...there are currently over 1000 business owners right now willing to pay people just like you over $150,000 per year... ...for ONE specific ...

$166k per year online “job”?

September 29th, 2014 at 11:21 am EDT

Hey, I read this last week and I simply couldn’t believe it. Listen to this — according to ...there are currently over 1000 business owners right now willing to pay people just like you over $150,000 per year... ...for ONE specific ...

re: traffic on-demand. See this!

September 27th, 2014 at 3:00 pm EDT

Hey, Traffic is the life blood of anything you do online and it needs to be engaging traffic... ... if you traffic isn't engaging, it won't convert into sales and you would end up doing the same as everyone else. The easiest way to build engaging au ...

Traffic on-demand

September 27th, 2014 at 11:37 am EDT

Hey, Traffic is the life blood of anything you do online and itneeds to be engaging traffic... ... if you traffic isn't engaging, it won't convert into salesand you would end up doing the same as everyone else. The easiest way to build engaging audie ...

WP Exiler - User Guide. You Asked For it!

September 27th, 2014 at 8:28 am EDT

Hey, You asked for a quick user guide to WP Exiler plugin that you grabbed afew days back...we listened and hereit is: Click HERE to download User Guide It's an easy to use plugin, can be setupreally quickly but if you had any doubts,this user guide ...

re: did you this viral traffic app lol

September 25th, 2014 at 2:04 pm EDT

Hey, Did you get the QuoteMaster app yet? You got to check out the sneak-peak video ifyou haven't already and grab it ASAP... I got an early developer access to test this new software out few days back and it's hilariousand awesome! Check out the de ...

Viral Traffic lol

September 25th, 2014 at 10:55 am EDT

Hey, So Leah Rob (fellow software developer) sent me access to test one of her new software few days back. It's called QuoteMaster and it's hilarious! Check out the demo here This piece of awesome app finds, creates and posts viral memes that you can ...

re: did you this viral traffic app lol

September 25th, 2014 at 2:44 am EDT

Hey, Did you get the QuoteMaster app yet? You got to check out the sneak-peak video ifyou haven't already and grab it ASAP... I got an early developer access to test this new software out few days back and it's hilariousand awesome! Check out the de ...