Subject: [Last Chance] 8 Ways to Get INSTANT Traffic...

[Last Chance] 8 Ways to Get INSTANT Traffic...

March 14th, 2014 at 1:00 pm EDT

Hey, Quick one... If you missed out picking up the Traffic Backdoor training last week along with my bonus, today is the last day you can go grab it...and get the bonus as well. == Click HERE to Grab Traffic Backdoor Training HERE See, the thing is ...

[Watch] 8 INSTANT Traffic Techniques… (free presentation)

March 11th, 2014 at 11:00 am EDT

Hey, Fact: You need traffic and customers for your online business... it Kindle Books, Niche Blogs, Products or need people to see what you're offering and buy it from you. And if you are struggling to get traffic or just need mo ...

[AKBoosterPro] Yesterday's Webinar Replay...

March 6th, 2014 at 10:00 am EDT

Hey, Did you miss the webinar training last noon? ...don't worry, I've got the replay and ready for you. If you missed it or watch to go through it again... == Click HERE to watch the Replay NOW The replay the Speedy Publishing is going to be here ...

[AKBoosterPro] We are live…

March 5th, 2014 at 1:50 pm EDT

Hey, We are live and starting with the live training in 5 min…join us! == Click HERE to join us for Kindle Book Promotion Live Training If signed up, you should get an email from GotoWebinar…simply click that link and you’ll be with us live ...

[AKBoosterPro] Training in 1 hours…

March 5th, 2014 at 1:00 pm EDT

Hey, We are starting today’s webinar Live Training in 1 hours at 2PM EST… …you signed up, right? == Click HERE to signup if you haven’t already! We’ll be sharing lot of cool stuff about promoting and marketing Kindle books today, includi ...

[AKBoosterPro] Today at 2PM...alright?

March 5th, 2014 at 10:00 am EDT

Hey, You in for our 2PM Live Training? Just wanted to make sure you’re not left out on this one… We’re jam-packed for tomorrows Live Kindle Book Promotion Training…make sure you signup right away. == Click HERE to SignUp for the Live Kindle ...

[AKBoosterPro] Most Imp. Training (almost full)

March 4th, 2014 at 10:00 am EDT

Holy Cow! We've jam packed for the Live Training tomorrow...did you grab your spot yet? It's free...It's going to be full of fresh great content! Join us Live tomorrow Wednesday 5th March @ 2:00PM EST (not 6th lol) before all the spots are gone... = ...

[AKBoosterPro] I Screwed Up...(date fixed)

March 3rd, 2014 at 5:00 pm EDT

Hey, Well, I messed up again lol Our upcoming Live Training is on Wednesday 5th March @ 2:00PM EST and not 6th March...sorry :P == Click HERE to SignUp For the Training NOW! In the training, I along with Kindle Marketing expert team Debora Drum and ...

[AKBoosterPro] RE: Your Question (training)

March 3rd, 2014 at 10:01 am EDT

Hey, One of the most common question I get asked too often is... How do you get your Kindle Book popular? Or How do you promote your book to get more sales? Well, it's pretty simple and we're about to answer that in our upcoming Live Training this Th ...

More Leads, More Clients & More Book Reviewers...

February 24th, 2014 at 10:01 am EDT

Hey, I wanted to show you an awesome way to save time and funds when searching for leads... Check out the DEMO of how Power Lead Snatcher works... With a new software you can filter through specific niches find powerful leads within Google Maps, Yel ...